andrewliu 0 Junior Poster


I have a menu and when you hover theres a drop down.

I also have a div tag surrounding this "ul" tag that drops down. The div tag has a border on top to make it more appealing. But I'm trying to hide this div tag because the border is showing.

This is my jquery code


    $('ul.ldd_menu li.topLink ul').hide();
    // DROP MENU

		$(this).css({'background-color':'#000000', 'color':'#ffffff'});



Then I have this menu tag

<ul id="ldd_menu" class="ldd_menu">
	<span class='mainMenuTitle-first'><a href='#'>Home</a></span>			
	<li class='topLink'>
		<span class='mainMenuTitle'><a href="#">Women</a></span>
			<div class="ldd_submenu">
                        <div class="submenu_top">
                    	<ul  class='submenu_left'>
		                <li class="ldd_heading">Link</li>
				<li><a href="#">Link</a></li>

the <div class="submenu_top"> is what has the border-top. Now I'm having trouble hiding everything (the ul and div tag) and make it drop down too.

Can someone help?

Thank you