jfunchio 0 Light Poster

I need help using a mysql user defined function in php. What i want to do is use the mysql function to perform a query to get the count from the inventory table whose movie_id's are equal to the movie_id entered by the user. And then I would like to use the return value of that in a php if expression. The echo in the if statement is just to see if it's working. I'm new to php and mysql so i might be way off in how I'm going about doing it or if it's even possible.

      $stock=readline("Enter movie_id: ");
      $db_obj->query( "create function check_stock($stock)
      returns integer
      declare d_count integer;
      select count into d_count
      from inventory
      where movie.movie_id = '$stock'
      return d_count;
      $result = $db_obj->query("select check_stock($stock");
      if($result == 1)
      echo "success\n";