MKWeb 0 Newbie Poster

I have a form that contains multiple dropdowns that are dynamically populated using AJAX not CSS, dependent upon the form above it.

The page works fine in FF and Safari, but when I try it in IE, the first dropdown is populated, but the others remain greyed out.

Here is the generated source for the section in question...

<script language="JavaScript">
function populateComp(xmlindata) {
	var xmldata = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('Company');
	if(xmldata.length <= 0) { // check for data
		alert("no indata");
	//alert('xmldata.length = '+xmldata.length+'\n ->'+xmldata[0].childNodes.length);
	for(var i = 0; i < xmldata.length; i++) {
		// alert("in the loop");
		var manid = '';
		var manname = '';
		var x, y;
		x = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('id')[i]; // get manufacturer id
		y = x.childNodes[0];
		manid = y.nodeValue;
		x = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('name')[i]; // get manufacturer name
		y = x.childNodes[0];
		manname = y.nodeValue;
		var newOption = window.document.createElement('OPTION');
		newOption.value = manid;
		newOption.text = manname;
		//alert(manid+' '+manname);

function populateType(xmlindata) {
	var xmldata = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('Printertype');
	if(xmldata.length <= 0) {
		alert("no indata");
	printertype.options.length = 0;
	var firstOption = window.document.createElement('OPTION');
	firstOption.value = '';
	firstOption.text = 'Please select';
	for(var i = 0; i < xmldata.length; i++) {
		var typeid = '';
		var typename = '';
		var x, y;
		x = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('id')[i]; // get type id
		y = x.childNodes[0];
		typeid = y.nodeValue;
		x = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('name')[i];
		y = x.childNodes[0];
		typename = y.nodeValue;
		var newOption = window.document.createElement('OPTION');
		newOption.value = typeid;
		newOption.text = typename;
	window.document.getElementById('printertype').disabled = false;

function populateCartSelect(xmlindata) {
	var xmldata = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('Cartridge');
	if(xmldata.length <= 0) {
		alert("no indata");
	cartridges.options.length = 0;
	var firstOption = window.document.createElement('OPTION');
	firstOption.value = '';
	firstOption.text = 'Please select';
	for(var i = 0; i < xmldata.length; i++) {
		var cartid = '';
		var cartinfo = '';
		var x, y;
		x = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('cart_id')[i]; // get cart id
		y = x.childNodes[0];
		cartid = y.nodeValue;
		//alert("cartid: "+cartid);
		x = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('part_info')[i];
		y = x.childNodes[0];
		cartinfo = y.nodeValue;
		//alert("cartinfo: "+cartinfo);
		var newOption = window.document.createElement('OPTION');
		newOption.value = cartid;
		newOption.text = cartinfo;
	window.document.getElementById('cartridges').disabled = false;

function priceinfo(text) {
	// xml-elements: part_num and price
	window.document.getElementById('price_info').innerHTML = '<p><strong>$'+text+' / each</strong></p>';
	window.document.getElementById('hiddenprice').value = text;
	window.document.getElementById('addnum').disabled = false;
	window.document.getElementById('addnum').value = '1';
	window.document.getElementById('addthis').disabled = false;

function populateModel(xmlindata) {
	var xmldata = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('Printermodel');
	if(xmldata.length <= 0) {
		alert("no indata");
	printermodel.options.length = 0;
	var firstOption = window.document.createElement('OPTION');
	firstOption.value = '';
	firstOption.text = 'Please select';
	for(var i = 0; i < xmldata.length; i++) {
		var typeid = '';
		var typename = '';
		var x, y;
		x = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('id')[i]; // get type id
		y = x.childNodes[0];
		typeid = y.nodeValue;
		x = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('name')[i];
		y = x.childNodes[0];
		typename = y.nodeValue;
		var newOption = window.document.createElement('OPTION');
		newOption.value = typeid;
		newOption.text = typename;
	window.document.getElementById('printermodel').disabled = false;

function addToOrder(xmlindata) {
	var xmldata = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('Part');
	if(xmldata.length <= 0) {
		alert("addToOrder: no indata");
	for(var i = 0; i < xmldata.length; i++) {
		var x,y;
		var part_num = '';
		var status = '';
		x = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('part_num')[i];
		y = x.childNodes[0];
		part_num = y.nodeValue;
		x = xmlindata.getElementsByTagName('status')[i];
		y = x.childNodes[0];
		status = y.nodeValue;
		var outputstr = part_num + '\n' + status;
	window.document.getElementById('display_status').innerHTML = '<p>'+outputstr+'</p>';
	doAjax('show_sess_cart.php', '', 'showSessBasedCart', 'post', '0');

function printerInfo() {
	man = getText('manufacturer');
	type = getText('printertype');
	model = getText('printermodel');
	return man+' '+type+' '+model;

function showSessBasedCart(text) {
	window.document.getElementById('display_order').innerHTML = text;

function clearOrder() {
	doAjax('mock_cart.php', 'action=delall', '', 'post', '0');
	window.document.getElementById('display_order').innerHTML = '';

function getValue(elementname) {
	returnvalue = window.document.getElementById(elementname).value;
	//alert('value: '+returnvalue);
	return returnvalue;

function getText(elementname) {
	var w = window.document.getElementById(elementname).selectedIndex;
	var returnvalue = window.document.getElementById(elementname).options[w].text;
	//alert('text: '+returnvalue);
	return returnvalue;

function resetValues() {
	var firstOption = window.document.createElement('OPTION');
	firstOption.value = '';
	firstOption.text = 'Please select';
	printertype.options.length = 0;
	window.document.getElementById('printertype').disabled = true;
	printermodel.options.length = 0;
	window.document.getElementById('printermodel').disabled = true;
	window.document.getElementById('cartridges').disabled = true;
	window.document.getElementById('price_info').innerHTML = '<br />';
	window.document.getElementById('addnum').value = '1';
	window.document.getElementById('addnum').disabled = true;
	window.document.getElementById('addthis').disabled = true;


<body onload="alert('Price list: XPS');doAjax('man_list.php', '', 'populateComp', 'post', '1')">
<form action="#" method="post" name="printerform" id="printerform">
<select name="manufacturer" id="manufacturer" onchange="resetValues();doAjax('type_list.php', 'man='+getValue('manufacturer'), 'populateType', 'post', '1')">

	<option value="">Please select</option>
<option value="1">Epson</option><option value="2">Ricoh</option><option value="3">Lanier</option><option value="4">Copystar</option><option value="5">Dell</option><option value="6">Xerox</option><option value="7">Lexmark</option><option value="8">HP</option><option value="9">INFOPRINT</option><option value="10">Canon</option><option value="11">Brother</option><option value="12">Samsung</option><option value="13">hh</option></select><br>

Printer type:<br>
<select name="printertype" id="printertype" disabled="disabled" onchange="doAjax('model_list.php', 'man='+getValue('manufacturer')+'&amp;typ='+getValue('printertype'), 'populateModel', 'post', '1')">
	<option value="">Please select</option>
<select name="printermodel" id="printermodel" disabled="disabled" onchange="doAjax('cartridges.php', 'man='+getValue('printermodel')+'&amp;pl=XPS', 'populateCartSelect', 'post', '1')">
	<option value="">Please select</option>
Available parts:<br>
<select name="cartridges" id="cartridges" disabled="disabled" onchange="doAjax('fetchprices.php', 'man='+getValue('cartridges')+'&amp;pl=XPS', 'priceinfo', 'post', '0')">

	<option value="">Please select</option>
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