
I did an example to see the time it takes to run a query and cache it but it doesn’t work and I cannot find why. Please give me a hand. No cache file gets created as well.

In config/database.php:
I’ve set $db[‘default’][‘cache_on’] = FALSE; because I don’t want to cache every queries.
I’ve set $db[‘default’][‘cachedir’] = ‘application/cache’; to store cache files.

Thanks in advance

VIEW : cache_view.php

<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
    <h1><?php echo $heading; ?></h1>
    <?php echo anchor('cache/benchmark_cache', 'Start query benchmark'); ?>


CONTROLLER : cache.php

<?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) {    exit('No direct script access allowed'); } ?>

class Cache extends CI_Controller {
    public function __construct()
        // Helper for <a...></a>
    public function index()
        // Webpage basics
        $data['title'] = "Cache";
        $data['heading'] = "Cache Benchmark checking";
        $this->load->view('cache_view.php', $data);
    public function benchmark_cache()
        // Webpage basics
        $data['title'] = "Cache";
        $data['heading'] = "Benchmark result";

        // Load model for db processes
        $data['queryresult'] = $this->cache_model->get_benchmark();


        echo $this->benchmark->elapsed_time('code_start', 'code_end');


//** EOF

MODEL : cache_model.php

<?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) {    exit('No direct script access allowed'); } ?>

class Cache_model extends CI_Model {
    public function __construct()
    public function get_benchmark()
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM assessment ORDER BY 2";
        $data['dbquery'] = $this->db->query($sql);
        return $data['dbquery'];

//** EOF

Forgot to mention in subject. This is a Codeigniter example.

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