Hi everyone,

I am having problems using $.post because of the way my website is structured. Basically, my index file handles all the pages and simply includes subpages.

I have this code for my index below:

$sectiongetter = "pages"; 	

$path = $sectiongetter . "/" . $pagegetter . ".php"; 

if (file_exists($path)) 
include ($path); 				
$indexwarning = "Page does not exist"; 

$indexwarning = "This value is not allowed. :)"; 
echo "<br />";

Because of the code above, I always use

<form action='index.php?s=something&p=thephpfile'>

for posting values.

I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to show me alternatives in posting the values in Jquery. Below is the code I am trying to make work:

echo "



var username = $('#username').val();
$.post('index.php?s=users&p=users_script_registration_check', {username: username}, 

function(result){ if(result == 1){ $('#feedback').html(username + ' is Available');  }else{ $('#feedback').html(username + ' is not Available'); }  



btw, I can make the code work should I move the users_form_registration.php to the www folder. But for security, I would like to ask if anyone has any ideas making the script work without having to move the file from the current folder "users".

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