Hi guys, please help me.

$GetList = mysql_query("SELECT ItemID, Available FROM rewarditems",$link1);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($GetList)) { $ItemID = $row; $Available = $row;
echo("<form name='myform' method='post'>");
if ($Available == 'No') { echo("<td width='100' valign='top'><p class='ItemList'><input type='checkbox' name='$ItemID' value='process.php?action=Item Availability&item=&$ItemID&available=Yes' checked></p></td>"); }
if ($Available == 'Yes') { echo("<td width='100' valign='top'><p class='ItemList'><input type='checkbox' name='$ItemID' value='process.php?action=Item Availability&item=&$ItemID&available=No' checked></p></td>"); }

if the user, click the checkbox, check or uncheck the checkbox, that specified item will update in mysql table.

I just need to add onclick='' trigger in every checkbox.

thanks guys, please help me.

please help! anyone?

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