I have been assigned a task to develop an online store.I am facing a problem at the time of insertion of records into SQL Database. I am using Type4 driver. The name of the DNS is SQL. here is my servlet code

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
        PrintWriter out= response.getWriter();
        String Fname= request.getParameter("txtfname");
        String Lname= request.getParameter("txtlname");
        String Uname=request.getParameter("txtuname");
        String Pass=request.getParameter("txtpass");
        String Email=request.getParameter("txtemail");
        String Gender=request.getParameter("group1");
        String Add=request.getParameter("txtadd");
        Connection con= null;
        catch(Exception e)
            out.println("Class not found");
        catch(Exception e)
            out.println("Connection not found");
            String insert="insert into sign_up values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
            PreparedStatement ps= con.prepareStatement(insert);
            int rt= ps.executeUpdate();
                out.println("Data is not inserted");
        catch(Exception e)
            out.println("Data Cannot be inserted");

Since there is no problem in retrieving values from the JSP page and no problem with the request.getParameter. The only problem is at the last try catch block. I am getting an exception "Data Cannot be inserted". Do help me in fixing this insertion problem...

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What database are you using? If it is not Access then use the JDBC Driver meant for that DB, not the JDBC-ODBC bridge, and if you are using Access, then use a different db.

And, if you want to know what the problem is, then don't hide it behind your own meaningless error statement. Add a printstacktrace call to that catch block.

The problem is fixed now... thanks for the help anyways :)

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