<TD align="left" valign="middle">
<A id="lnkEditDiv" href="javascript:showEdit('Div');" style="display:none;" >
<% if(intUserModAcc == 0) {%>
<bean:message key="siteadmin.lbl.ViewDivs"/>
<% }else{ %><bean:message key="siteadmin.lbl.EditDivs"/>
<% } %>

Is there any way to refresh "lnkEditDiv" hyper link in java ascript
or do i need to write fresh function pls comfirm me on this

Prbolem is when clicking the lnkEditDiv hyper link data is not refreshing in view


I'm not sure I completely understand. You appear to ask two separate questions.

Is there any way to refresh "lnkEditDiv" hyper link in java ascript or do i need to write fresh function pls comfirm me on this

All aspects of the hyperlink can be dynamically changed by javascript, including its href action.

Prbolem is when clicking the lnkEditDiv hyper link data is not refreshing in view

All data displayed on a web page can be dynamically changed without refreshing the whole page. To achieve this, the data must be contained in identifiable HTML element(s), typically div(s), span(s) ul(s), ol(s), li(s), table(s) or td(s).

New data can be:

  • Calculated/generated/looked up by javascript - 100% client-side.
  • Obtained from the server using Asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX), which is a technique involving javascript and a server-side script, not a separate language.


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