<?php include "db/config.php";?>
function loginCheck($username,$password)
$sql=mysql_query("select UserId, UserName, Password from user_login where UserName= '$_POST[username]' and Password= '$_POST[password]'");
//select * from user_login where UserName='mownam' and Password='welcome'
$result =mysql_query($sql);
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
echo "<center>successfully logged<br />".$uname;
?><div align="center" style="background-color: #FFFFCC"style="font:"Courier New" , Courier, monospace" style="font:message-box " style="font-size:10px"
id="loginerror"><strong>Invalid Username password</strong></div>
<?php }
function insertValues($username,$password) {
$sql=mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_login (UserId, UserName,Password, add_rights, update_rights,view_rights,delete_rights) VALUES ('','$_POST[username]','$_POST[password]','','','','')");
echo "ok";
function updateValues($username,$password) {
$sql=mysql_query("update person set dob='$c', password='$b' where username='$username'");
function deleteValues($username) {
$sql=mysql_query("delete from person where username='$a'");
mownam 0 Newbie Poster
mownam 0 Newbie Poster
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