I am using Joomla v1.7 and the mod_mainmenu is now mod_menu (I think, because there is no mod_mainmenu in the modules folder). In my site I have two menus like most sites, one in the header and another one in the footer. The header menu is a lot more complex with drop downs, while the footer menu simply has four links. I am in the process of overriding the mod_menu template for the header menu but that would also render the same overridden html for footer menu.

How do I make two separate overrides for two separate menus. In the footer I was thinking of hardcoding anchor tags, but that would make it difficult for my client to add or remove links from the footer. How do I do this? Is it possible?


I appreciate the help.

I'm not too familiar with Joomla, but could you not check the name of the menu being rendered, and if it's the header, use one template, otherwise use the default?

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