hre is my code for deleting a file, wats missing?

$infoFile = $doc->getFileInfo($file);

$title = _l("Delete a document");

if ($action == "dodelete" && $file)
    if ($doc->hasRight($_SESSION["Sid_user"], "d", $dir))
        if (!$doc->deleteFile($file))

            $error = $doc->errstr();
            $error = _l("Document successfully deleted !");
        $error = _l("You cannot delete documents !");

Hard to say, I assume it's not working ? If the file is not deleted, check if $file contains a full path, or a relative one. The problem could be in deleteFile(), so show what it does.

its colling this fuction... yet not deleting, ie the previous code colls the following code.

function deleteFile($id_file) {
$infoFile = $this->getFileInfo($id_file);
$folderPath = $this->folderPath($infoFile["id_folder"]);

if (substr($infoFile["file_name"], 0, 3) == ".ht") {
$this->error = 6;
return false;

if (!file_exists($this->root . "files" . $folderPath . SEP . $infoFile["file_name"])) {
$q = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "files SET file_flag = 1 WHERE id_file = '" . $id_file . "'";
$this->error = 6;
return false;

if (@unlink($this->root . "files" . $folderPath . SEP . $infoFile["file_name"])) {
$q = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "files WHERE id_file = '" . $id_file . "'";

$q = "OPTIMIZE TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "files";

$this->updateFolderSize($infoFile["id_folder"], $infoFile["file_size"], "-");
return true;
return false;

Remove the @ before unlink and see if it throws an error.

nothing happens, no error, bt no deletion made

Echo the parameter in unlink, and check whether it is a valid file.

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