I am currently stuck with problem of set the dll file location path in my javascript object, in the classid i currently do this:


This work fine if i put the dll file in same folder with the project module file( aspx). However I actually needs to put the dll file in a shared location folder, let say "ShareDll". I had tried codes as below:


But it got error. Anyone got idea about this problem? Thanks in advanced.

<object id="rfidControl" style="display: none" classid="http:RFID_AUCMS.dll#RFID_AUCMS.Main"
height="500" width="500" VIEWASTEXT>
<param name="READER_PORT" value="COM1" />
<param name="READER_BAUD_RATE" value="9600" />
<param name="WS_URL" value="http://localhost/rfidService/rfidService.asmx" />
<param name="DLL_TYPE" value="web" />

Heads up, this thread appears in "Code Snippets" directory, -it shouldn't!

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