Can some one help my butt out that why I only get one check box out of the 4 to show up in my email to myself when a user hits submit? When ever I check box any email I only get the bottom check box to show up in my return email. I need to ahppen is that when anyonechecks anybox the email will return all data and what boxes where checked i Its been a long time any help and how i don this would be sooo greatful. thanks. I have been at it for 2 days and arrays are just killing me right now when its the last thing i need.

Inline Code Example Here


$to = '';
$subject = 'Comming in hot';

$Fristname = $_POST ['FristName'];
$Lastname = $_POST ['LastName'];
$Phonenumber = $_POST ['Phonenumber'];
$Emailaddress = $_POST ['Emailaddress'];
$Location = $_POST ['Location'];
// Check Boxes
$Project = $_POST ['Project'];

$Comments = $_POST ['Comments'];

$body = <<<Email
Email: $Fristname <br>

Last name: $Lastname <br>

Phone Number: $Phonenumber <br>

Email Address: $Emailaddress <br>

Location: $Location <br>

Project Type: $Project <br>

Comments: $Comments <br>

    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
    $success = mail ($to,$subject, $body, $headers);

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                        <label for="Location of Inquire"></label>
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                        <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></span></td>
                        <td bgcolor="#00FFFF"><div align="left">Type of Project:</div></td>
                        <td height="89" align="left"><p>
                            <input type="checkbox" name="Project" value="Residential Construction" id="Residential Construction" />
                            Residential Construction</label>
                          <br />
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                          <br />
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                          <br />
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                        <td align="left"><span id="Comment">
                          <label for="Comments"></label>
                          <textarea name="Comments" id="Comments" cols="75" rows="5"></textarea>
                        <td align="left"><input type="submit" name="Send it to me" id="Send it to me" value="Lets Build!" />
                          <input type="reset" name="Start Over" id="Start Over" value="Start Over" />
                            <input name="Email" type="hidden" id="Email" value="" /></td>
      <p>Copyright @ 2012 Newport Homes Inc. All rights reserved</p>
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var sprytextfield5 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("Email", "email");
var sprytextfield6 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("Location", "custom");

Recommended Answers

All 7 Replies

Change the name attribute to an array

<input type="checkbox" name="Project[]" value="... />

and all the checked checkboxes should be in $_POST['Project'] which will be an array, too.

// e.g. you can get a list of project (a string) by imploding the array
$Project = implode(', ', $_POST ['Project']);

I hate to say this but HOw do I Change this array again. I have been at this for 2 days And I Am abuot to thorw things today. But I see where you are comming form.

Think I got it but any help would still be great

Sorry, I do not understand the question? Have you tried to change the name attributes for all checkboxes to an array (just adding [] to existing names)?

Just looking at your code: why do you not check for existence of $_POST array elements before assigning them to variables like in $Fristname = $_POST ['FristName'];? This code should return an error. Also what is the purpose of the condition on line 13 if(is_array($Project))? Is any of the code missing?

Thank but I fix it finally. I changed the did Change the $POST and my if else in my array were all jacked. I can post the anser if anyone would like

Maybe you post it so the thread is complete. And if this is it please mark it as solved. Cheers.

here is the answer and redesgin if anyone looking

if($_POST['submitted'] == "yes"){
    $to = '';
    $subject = 'Newport Homes Lead';    
    $Fristname = $_POST ['FristName'];  
    $Lastname = $_POST ['LastName'];
    $Phonenumber = $_POST ['Phonenumber'];  
    $Emailaddress = $_POST ['Emailaddress'];
    $Location = $_POST ['Location'];
    $Comments = $_POST ['Comments'];

    // Check Boxes
    //START added by JDK
        foreach($_POST['Project'] as $proj){
            $Project.= $proj."<br/>";
        $Project = "None Selected";
    //END added by JDK

    $body = '<br><hr><br>';

    $body.= 'First Name: '.$Fristname.' <br>';

    $body.= 'Last name: '.$Lastname.' <br>';

    $body.= 'Phone Number: '.$Phonenumber.' <br>';

    $body.= 'Email Address: '.$Emailaddress.' <br>';

    $body.= 'Location: '.$Location.' <br>';

    $body.= 'Project Type: '.$Project.' <br>';

    $body.= 'Comments: '.$Comments.' <br>';

        $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
        $success = mail ($to  ,$subject  , $body  , $headers);
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