I'm using Wordpress with Woocommerce and using Affiliates Woocommerce Light

This plugin has a limitation: you can setup only a fixed comission for all products.

I need different comissions for each product.

I thought creating a custom field for product in product page when inserting a product.

Then I will access to that comission and calculate the commission to pay.

In affiliates-woocommerce-light.php I have:

public static function woocommerce_checkout_order_processed( $order_id ) {

        $order_total        = get_post_meta( $order_id, '_order_total', true );
        $order_tax          = get_post_meta( $order_id, '_order_tax', true );
        $order_shipping     = get_post_meta( $order_id, '_order_shipping', true );
        $order_shipping_tax = get_post_meta( $order_id, '_order_shipping_tax', true );

        $order_subtotal = $order_total - $order_tax - $order_shipping - $order_shipping_tax;

        $currency       = get_option( 'woocommerce_currency' );

        $order_link = '<a href="' . admin_url( 'post.php?post=' . $order_id . '&action=edit' ) . '">';
        $order_link .= sprintf( __( 'Order #%s', AFF_WOOCOMMERCE_LIGHT_PLUGIN_DOMAIN ), $order_id );
        $order_link .= "</a>";

        $data = array(
            'order_id' => array(
                'title' => 'Order #',
                'domain' => AFF_WOOCOMMERCE_LIGHT_PLUGIN_DOMAIN,
                'value' => esc_sql( $order_id )
            'order_total' => array(
                'title' => 'Total',
                'domain' =>  AFF_WOOCOMMERCE_LIGHT_PLUGIN_DOMAIN,
                'value' => esc_sql( $order_subtotal )
            'order_currency' => array(
                'title' => 'Currency',
                'domain' =>  AFF_WOOCOMMERCE_LIGHT_PLUGIN_DOMAIN,
                'value' => esc_sql( $currency )
            'order_link' => array(
                'title' => 'Order',
                'domain' =>  AFF_WOOCOMMERCE_LIGHT_PLUGIN_DOMAIN,
                'value' => esc_sql( $order_link )
            'order_link' => array(
                'title' => 'comissao',
                'domain' =>  AFF_WOOCOMMERCE_LIGHT_PLUGIN_DOMAIN,
                'value' => esc_sql( $order_link )

        $options = get_option( self::PLUGIN_OPTIONS , array() );
        $referral_rate  = isset( $options[self::REFERRAL_RATE] ) ? $options[self::REFERRAL_RATE] : self::REFERRAL_RATE_DEFAULT;
        $amount = round( floatval( $referral_rate ) * floatval( $price ), AFFILIATES_REFERRAL_AMOUNT_DECIMALS );
        $description = sprintf( 'Order #%s', $order_id );
        affiliates_suggest_referral( $order_id, $description, $data, $amount, $currency );

So, I will need a to add a function like

 public static function woocommerce_get_comission( $product_id ) {
        $comission = get_post_meta($product_id, '_comission', true ); 

and then modify

$amount = round( floatval( $referral_rate ) * floatval( $order_subtotal ), AFFILIATES_REFERRAL_AMOUNT_DECIMALS );


$amount = round( floatval( $comission ), AFFILIATES_REFERRAL_AMOUNT_DECIMALS );

but no success until now....

any ideas??


or may it's better if I in the order class have a variable to calculate toal product commissions (commission product A + commission product B + ...) and then access that variable in affiliates-woocommerce-light.php..... what do you think?

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