I'm trying to do a php-mysql project that can make phone calls from the computer.
The concept is - My call list is stored in a mysql database and when a tele-caller login in to their account. The call list is displayed and a call button is placed beside every calling number. When they click on the button the call starts and when the call ends the log is stored for future reference. I am hosting a local server and want to connect all tele-caller computer to the local server.
My question is: How to make the calling from a php webpage?

<a href="tel:+9651232222">+965 1232222</a>

This is the way to make a call from a webpage.

The tel: protocol isn't always installed. Another alternative is callto: On my system, this connects to Skype to handle the call. For a business installation, you may want to use another service provider instead of Skype. Whatever you do, you will have to pay for the service.

i don't know about making calls directly within php and i havent search for it.

here at the job we have an asterisk server where the company build a php platform for call management on top

so i dont know what your plans are, but if its related to VOIP, you should make a stop at asterisk.org, it comes with virtual pbx, cdr, voice recording and so on.

and ... its free

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