well I've been searching for this from hours now, and also tried to look in this forum.

or maybe I dont know what is it called.

I'm searching for a script to display featured products on my website, in a sqaure box on right side.
but it shouldn't be so simple like fade-in fade-out, it should display one image at front & two others on its right/left side. Just like a queue of images/products, like they're circling around one by one.

I saw it somewhere but can't find any clue now.

Can someone please help me ?
its really very urgent !

Thanks in advance
Raza Khan

Sounds like a carousel. I'll move this to the js forum.

if you know what is it then please help me to find any script or joomla module to fulfill these requirements.

Did you search for Joomla Carousel ?

yes I did it...Man ! just one single word of yours solved my problem.

I guess there's no keyword for this kind of slider.

Thanks a billion mate, God bless you ;)

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