I have got MySQL Workbench 5.244 installed. I have a server instance created (MySQL55). Everything works perfect inside the workbench.
The problem is when I try to connect to the server on my PHP (version 4.2.1) file.

(Pleasew find header.php and default.php below)

I get the message below:

Warning: Unknown MySQL Server Host 'MySQL55' (0) in c:\webroot\default.php on line 3

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Unknown MySQL Server Host 'MySQL55' (0) in c:\webroot\default.php on line 3
Could not connect: Unknown MySQL Server Host 'MySQL55' (0)

I am new to php but this code was working when I had it lodged on an external web server.

Can somenone help?

Thank you.

Mario van Grichen


    include 'header.php';
    $con = mysql_connect($server_name,$server_user,$server_password);
    if (!$con)
      die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

    mysql_select_db($db_name, $con);

    $event = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM event WHERE usageTP='M' ORDER BY eventDS");

    echo "<table border='0'>
    <th>Event Type</th>

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($event))
      echo "<tr>";
      echo "<td>" . $row['eventTP'] . "</td>";
      echo "<td>" . $row['eventDS'] . "</td>";
      echo "<td>" . $row['usageTP'] . "</td>";
      echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";

    include 'header.php';
    $con = mysql_connect($server_name,$server_user,$server_password);
    if (!$con)
      die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

    mysql_select_db($db_name, $con);

    $event = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM event WHERE usageTP='M' ORDER BY eventDS");

    echo "<table border='0'>
    <th>Event Type</th>

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($event))
      echo "<tr>";
      echo "<td>" . $row['eventTP'] . "</td>";
      echo "<td>" . $row['eventDS'] . "</td>";
      echo "<td>" . $row['usageTP'] . "</td>";
      echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";

    ?>    <?php 
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Warning: Unknown MySQL Server Host 'MySQL55' (0) in c:\webroot\default.php on line 3

Which line is line 3?

3rd line is
$con = mysql_connect($server_name,$server_user,$server_password);

can you try $server_name="localhost", if it does not work for you, read more about it here.

I changed to server name to "localhost" with no success.
I can check on my task bar that mysqld is running.
I am running these applications on XP SP3.
The web server is Apache 1.3.24.
I should be able to access the worknench instance.
Could it be a priveleges problem?

Yes, I will upgrade and try the plugin.
Let's see what it bring :-)
Thanks a a lot

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