Hi all.

I recently set up dual boot Os (7, and Ubuntu 12.10).

The namespace call was/is working on the Windows 7 env (same version of XAMPP).

I know Linux is case sensitive so i have amended the file/folder calls.

Although the file exists, i am getting:

Message: Class classLib\dataBase\database_Connection could not be loaded

DB Class:

// root -> /classLib/dataBase/database_Connection.php:

namespace classLib\dataBase; // declare namespcae

class database_Connection {
* @var PDO The database link.

    protected static $dbLink;

    * Returns an open PDO object. This object will be shared
    * among all who call this method, so that you don't have
    * to be creating multiple connections to MySQL in the
    * same request.
    * @return PDO

    public static function get()
        if(self::$dbLink == null)
            $dns = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=rtbClass'; //dev db
            self::$dbLink = new \PDO($dns, 'root', ''); //dev usage only as root
            self::$dbLink->exec("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
            self::$dbLink->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        return self::$dbLink;

    * We don't want this class to be able to spawn objects.
    * By making these two methods private, we effectively
    * prevent that from happening.

    private function __construct() {
        return false;

    private function __clone() {
        return self::get();


This is being called by a class that loads active Jquery/Java etc:

// root: -> /classLib/load/load_headScript.php :

use classLib\dataBase\database_Connection as DB; // import namespace for code reuse

class load_headScript

    public function headLoad()
        $sql = "SELECT scriptCode, scriptName FROM j_scripts WHERE active != '0'";
        $stmt = DB::get()->prepare($sql);

        while($rowHead = $stmt->fetch())
            print '<script type="text/javascript" name='.$rowHead['scriptName'].'>';
            print $rowHead['scriptCode'];
            print '</script>';


This is the calling:


    include 'classLib/includeOnly.php';

            $t1 = new load_headScript;
            print  $t1->headLoad();
        catch(Exception $e)
            echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage();


the above include is to the php file that holds the Jquery/Java calling.

Am i over looking something, or is there a config that has to be set up under Linux XAMPP but not W7?

edit: I have tried with and withoput the following:

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Since you are trying to setup the namespaces through php. Try the other way, it's kinda like a shortcut but it would be quick. After that you can figure out how to setup namespace through php.


... Thanks for the link!

I'm still reading it and trying to understand and playing around with the functions.

It gonna take me a few days or more to practice it.

Many thanks, alas the link is for IT infrastructure Namespacing.

I shall keep digging and report back

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