<legend title=login>login</legend>
<form action="login.php" method="post">
Username:<br />
<input type="text" name="username" value="" />
<br /><br />
Password:<br />
<input type="password" name="password" value="" />
<br /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Login" />
<a href="register.html">Register</a>
<a href="forgotpassword.php">Forgot Password</a>
$username =$_POST[ 'username' ];
$password=$_POST[ 'password' ];
// This query retreives the user's information from the database using
// their username.
$query = " SELECT user_id,username,password,salt,email FROM users WHERE username ='$username'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result)
// Fetch the number in the first column of the only row in
// the result set.
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
echo $row[0];
// Using the password submitted by the user and the salt stored in the database,
// we now check to see whether the passwords match by hashing the submitted password
// and comparing it to the hashed version already stored in the database.
$check_password = hash('sha256', $_POST['password'] . $row[3]);
for($round = 0; $round < 65536; $round++)
$check_password = hash('sha256', $check_password . $row[3]);
if($check_password == $row[2])
// If they do, then we flip this to true
$login_ok = true;
// If the user logged in successfully, then we send them to the private members-only page
// Otherwise, we display a login failed message and show the login form again
// Here I am preparing to store the $row array into the $_SESSION by
// removing the salt and password values from it. Although $_SESSION is
// stored on the server-side, there is no reason to store sensitive values
// in it unless you have to. Thus, it is best practice to remove these
// sensitive values first.
// This stores the user's data into the session at the index 'user'.
// We will check this index on the private members-only page to determine whether
// or not the user is logged in. We can also use it to retrieve
// the user's details.
//$_SESSION['user'] = $row;
// Redirect the user to the private members-only page.
header("Location: private.php");
die("Redirecting to: private.php");
// Tell the user they failed
print("Login Failed.");
// Show them their username again so all they have to do is enter a new
// password. The use of htmlentities prevents XSS attacks. You should
// always use htmlentities on user submitted values before displaying them
// to any users (including the user that submitted them). For more information:
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XSS_attack
$username = htmlentities($_POST['username'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
Undefined index: username in C:\wamp\www\Authentication system\login.php on line 4
Undefined index: password in C:\wamp\www\Authentication system\login.php on line 5