I am trying to write .htaccess; but two statements are conflicting each other.. If one runs another not; vice-versa; The last statements are conflicting each other..

Fix Rewrite

Options -Multiviews
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ hotels-in-india-list.php?url=$1

RewriteRule ^top-destination/(.*)$ package-detail.php?g=g&url=$1

RewriteRule ^hotels-list/(.*)$ hotel-city.php?g=g&url=$1

RewriteRule ^hotel-detail/(.*)$ hotel-detail.php?g=g&url=$1

RewriteRule ^(.)/(.)/$ hotels-in-india-list.php?id=$1&url=$2
RewriteRule ^(.)/(.)/$ hotel-name-list.php?m=m&id=$1&url=$2

Member Avatar for LastMitch

I am trying to write .htaccess; but two statements are conflicting each other.. If one runs another not; vice-versa; The last statements are conflicting each other..


I'm not familiar with your table sturcture on your database but it has something to do with your data being merge or appearing at once.

I feel the re-mod on htaccess file that you are trying to do has 2 id that has the same table structure, you need to rewrite how you display the products with 2 different sets of ids not the same.

Does that make sense?

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