Hi.. 'm new to PHP so please guide me.. i just want to create a simple yet secure login page with PHP and MySql as db.. The following must be the program flow..
1.when a user tries to login for the first time it should check whether the user is registered or not
2.if registered, goto the welcome page.. it should contain the logout option also.
'm expecting a login,registration,welcome,logout code with session..
can anyone please help me with code and explain the database.

Google: PHP login tutorial

You'll find tons of tutorials and examples. No one here is going to write the code for you. If you get stuck have a specific question, or have a bug in your code then we'll be more than happy to help you out.

Check the link, it has more than enough video tutorials, basically on login/register/voting that anywhere you can find. It is beginner friendly, so you will learn & create the script at the same time.

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