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Re: if you're seperating all emails by a certain character (like ; for example) you can just explode the string: `$emails = explode(';',$text_field);` | |
Re: It is showing as fully round on my end. nothing in the code is jumping out at me. What browser are you using? | |
Re: Arrays are assigned a numerical key automatically unless you override the key with your own custom name. When you're using the => you're assiging names to the keys instead of using the default numerical keys ( key => value ). You could still use the => for both, i.e. `array … | |
Re: Just a suggestion for those threads which do not get marked as solved. I would set it up as a 2 teir system, first send out a reminder to the OP once there has been no new posts in the thread for a set time (like 48 hours) something along … | |
Re: The submit button is not named submit, it's named B3, therefor that `$_POST['submit']` should actually be `$_POST['B3']` | |
Re: You'll need to add some relative and absolute positioning into your CSS to get the effect you're looking for. Take a look at this, should help you out: http://www.barelyfitz.com/screencast/html-training/css/positioning/ | |
Re: I can't find your JS code the handles the drop down menus, but best guess it you're applying the hover event on the link tag which does not extend to the bottom of the menu background so there is a small gap between the menu header and the sub menu … | |
Re: Perhaps try re-wording your question as it doesn't make sense, I have no idea what your asking, what problem are you trying to solve? Are you getting errors, if so what are they? Also include the code for your form which is posting to this script. | |
Re: You're combining two different methods of doing this which will fail, need to choose one or the other, try this (Sorry for these not being in code boxes, my work PC doesn't like DaniWeb): Change line 13 to: return this.front_gear * this.rear_gear; Change line 16 to: document.write("this is a " … | |
Re: Where are the following variables set? $albumPost and $aid ? If your var_dump them do you get the expected result? I'm guessing one of those is not set properly and your IF or query statement is failing. On a side note, it's very bad practice to put large groups of … | |
Re: Can you provide more info? It's diffacult to say with the limited info you've given. Are there any error messages displayed on screen or in the server's error logs? What kind of file are you trying to upload? What is the size of the file you're trying to upload? Also … | |
Re: $row is an array that contains your data that was retrieved from the DB, it is not a column in your table and it's not passed to update.php. You need to change your link so that it passes a unique identifier (The table row's Unique Key, possibly ID). Than when … | |
Getting a little tired of my current host so I've been looking around at some other hosts. It's hard to sort through all the fake reviews out there these days so thought I'd turn to my local DaniWeb community for suggestions :) Anyone have any recomendations for a quality shared … | |
Re: If your host allows remote MySQL, you'll have to add your local server's IP to their remote MySQL settings to their firewall allows the access. If you're host uses cPanel just look for the remote MySQL icon in the Database Tools section. | |
Re: Can you not just add the link to your output, I see no need to add it to your variable. Try this: while($results = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <tr align='center' bgcolor='#93dafb'> <td height='25px'> <?= $results['Name']; ?> <a href="Get-Details.php?id=<?= $results['id']; ?>View Details</a> </td> <td> <?= $results['Type']; ?> </td> <td> <?= $results['Address']; ?> … | |
Re: This is always going to evaluate to FALSE as you do not have a manager variable being passed from your form: if (isset($_POST['manager'])) I'm guessing you want to change that to username to see if a form was submitted. Also in your form, your username input field has the U … | |
Re: Try this: function validateEmptytextBox() { var inputField = document.getElementById("textArea1").value; inputField = inputField.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); if(inputField == ""){ alert("please enter a value, textarea cannot be empty"); }else{ alert("Success"); } } | |
![]() | Re: I think you're talking about XSS or Cross-Site Scripting |
Re: You can either a) keep a record of all logins in your DB and display the previous one. b) Store a last login date in the member's DB, when they login get that date and store it into the session before you update it to the new date. | |
Re: Are you looking to have two seperate groups of images and choose an image from each group two display (I.E. Pool A has 5 images and Pool B has 6 images. Choose 1 random image from Pool A and one from Pool B) Or are you looking to just have … | |
Re: That would only work if your loading the page locally (If you double click the HTML file to open it in you default browser). If you try that through a web address on a server it will not work, the browser will not allow a page access to the C … | |
Re: Use the search function on the forums or search google for PHP login tutorial. Between the two, you'll find more than enough to get you on the right track. | |
Using IE and I've noticed that any member that does not have an avatar is showing a broken img box in it's place as default linking to http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ac4f8177e88d582007f3333d1ce6efc0?d=identicon&s=80 ![]() | |
Re: I'm not sure if I understand what you're trying to accomplish. One thing I noticed was you're using the jQuery .val for a javascript call, should be .value instead. If you want the if statement you provided to open your login if the if evaluates to true you can do … | |
Re: you cannot do a getElementByID on an element, that function is not available. ID's are suppose to be unique in a document so you should just be doing a getElementID on the document to get your element: var outputResults = document.getElementById('goat'); outputResults.innerHTML = "what"; <div id="boxa"> <h1 id = "header">This … | |
Re: You have a buch of extra commas with the last few values of your third query so you're techinicaly trying to add more data than the number of columns specified. You alos have a space before the underscores with employee _c, employer _c not sure if that was intentional: $sql3="INSERT … | |
Re: Usually this happends because your query failed. If mysql_query fails it returns FALSE so $sql_query would end up being a boolean vice a object resource. Add a die statement to your query to see what gets posted back to you. You should surround your variable assignment into parenthesis as well: … ![]() | |
Re: Use PHP's strtotime to turn the am / pm into a timestamp and substract the diff. Than you can output the diff. $diff = strtotime("1:30 pm") - strtotime("11:30 am"); $hours = date('H', $diff); echo $hours . " Hours."; // 2 Hours | |
Re: Code ? Hard to tell you what's wrong when we don't see what it is you're doing. | |
Re: Never assume you know what the user will input. Check user input before doing anything with it to make sure it is what you expect it to be (I use regex expressions for this). If you're using PHP I highly suggest the use of prepared / parameterized mysqli queries. Using … |
The End.