hi how can i fetch data from the database and stroe it into session variable.
my code:

   $sql = "SELECT password, fullname, username, active FROM ".$mysql_table." WHERE (username = :username OR email = :username) AND password = :password";
   $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
   $statement->bindValue(':username', $_POST['username']);
   $statement->bindValue(':password', md5($_POST['password']));
   $result = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (count($result) == 1)

      if (session_id() == "")

      $_SESSION['username'] = ;
      $_SESSION['fullname'] = ;
      $_SESSION['expires_by'] = time() + $session_timeout;
      $_SESSION['expires_timeout'] = $session_timeout;
      $rememberme = isset($_POST['rememberme']) ? true : false;
      if ($rememberme)
         setcookie('username', $_POST['username'], time() + 3600*24*30);

      if(!isset($_COOKIE['redirect'])) {
      $redirect_page_no = './index.php';
      header('Location: '.$redirect_page_no);
      $redirect_page = $_COOKIE["redirect"];
      header('Location: '.$redirect_page);

in the line 15 and 16 i want to store the username and fullname value fetched from the database.


how do i do it?

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I suppose something like this should work:

$_SESSON['username'] =  $result[0]['username'];
$_SESSON['fullname'] =  $result[0]['fullname'];

thanx....@minitauros it worked.

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