I have the following code which I use in PHP-Liquid template engine. I want the ability to add or delete rows trough phpMyAdmin instead of adding/deleting new arryas. So I need to use MySQL, but how should I proceed to work it out with my example?

$assigns = array(
        'blog' => array(
                        'title' => 'Blog Title 1',
                        'content' => 'Nunc putamus parum claram',
                        'tags' => array('claram', 'parum'),
                        'comments' => array(
                                            'title' => 'First Comment',
                                            'message' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr'


print $liquid->render($assigns);

If the array that is sent as a parameter to the $liquid->render() method has to have same form as teh $assigns array then you have to read the data from the database and put it into an array of the above mentioned form. The details depend on the table structures and on the query that reads the data.

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