Wael1988 0 Newbie Poster

i have a table "employers"

Employerid  int 
InsuranceNumber varchar(10) 
Ministry    nvarchar(100)   
Adress  nvarchar(250)   
PostalCode  varchar(50) 
Phone   varchar(14) 
Mobile  varchar(14) 
Email   nvarchar(60)    
UserName    nvarchar(50)    
Password    nvarchar(50)    
ContactPerson   nvarchar(250)   
EntryDate   datetime    
LastUpdateDate  datetime    
IsDeleted   bit 
Active  bit 

and i have created how to insert data using insert stored proc

Create procedure dbo.Employers_Insert

@InsuranceNumber nvarchar(10),
@Ministry nvarchar(100),
@Adress nvarchar(250),
@PostalCode varchar(50),
@Phone varchar(14),
@Mobile varchar(14),
@Email nvarchar(60),
@UserName nvarchar(50),
@Password nvarchar(50),
@ContactPerson nvarchar(250),
@EntryDate datetime,
@LastUpdateDate datetime,
@IsDeleted bit,
@Active bit 



Insert Employers (InsuranceNumber, Ministry, Adress , PostalCode , 
Phone, Mobile , Email, UserName , [Password] , ContactPerson, EntryDate,
LastUpdateDate, IsDeleted, Active) 
values (@InsuranceNumber, @Ministry, @Adress , @PostalCode , 
@Phone, @Mobile , @Email, @UserName , @[Password] , @ContactPerson, EntryDate,
@LastUpdateDate, @IsDeleted, @Active)

i still need to create Update , Delete , Search , GetByID , GetByPage , GetList .. Stored Procedures please.. :)
any help ?

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