
I am trying to create a clickable button that pass value to the next page after the button being clicked. Yet, now what I have is a button that cannot bring me to the next page.


<button type="button" onClick="parent.location='add_student_progtab.php?study_package_id="'.<?php echo $study_package_id; ?>."'">Add Study Progress</button><br><br>

Please help

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Hi davy_yg,

You could try using javascript and once you are on the next page you sould manipulate the value that was passed on via the first page.

Try using something like below for instance:

<button type="button" onClick="window.location.href='add_student_progtab.php?study_package_id="'.<?php echo $study_package_id; ?>."'">Add Study Progress</button><br><br>

Hope this solves your query, do inform otherwise I'll gladly help ya out :)

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