    <A CHANGE_THIS="Dont_ChengeME">

trying to change the attribute name of element A to something of my choice, using php's simpleXML API. here's what i've done:

$xml = simplexml_import_dom($xmldom);
    $query = "root/A[@]";
    $result = $xml->xpath($query);  
         $result['CHANGE_THIS'] = "Blalalalal";       //i believe this is where am doing it wrongly

All attempts failed. any idea ?

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$xml = simplexml_load_file("somefile.xml");
$xml->A[0]->attributes()->CHANGE_THIS = "Yes Sir!";

No need for xpath I don't think. I'm assuming the tag you want to target is the first or only of its type. If there are many and it's in the middle or end, just loop over each $xml->A until you get the attribute value CHANGE_THIS or even check the content of attribute before making a replacement.

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