
Am new in angularjs. I want to restrict user from inserting HTML tags in textarea by using ng-pattern

in blade.php, i had written {{ Form::textarea('localAddress', null, ['size' => '35x4',"ng-pattern"=>'(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)','name'=>'local_address','ng-model' => 'employee.employee_personal_details.local_address','required'=>true]) }}}

but < brackets are giving me angular js error

{{ Form::textarea('localAddress', null, ['size' => '35x4',"ng-pattern"=>'<("[^"]*?"|'[^']*?'|[^'">])*>','name'=>'local_address','ng-model' => 'employee.employee_personal_details.local_address','required'=>true]) }}}

and above is (obviously) making syntax error.
how can I do this in angularjs?

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