
I have 2 checkboxes beside each other. When I resize me window, these move apart. How to make sure that they don't do so. Below is the code and css for the same. Please not that its handlebar code.Thanks!!

Handlebar Code

    {{#controlGroup (lz "label.insight_chart_name") class="chart-name-group" required=true}}
            {{input "text" id="chart-name" required=true hint=" "}}
        {{#controlGroup (lz "label.insight_editor_chart_id") required=true class="chart-id-group"}}
            {{input "text" id="chart-id" required=true hint=" "}}

CSS Code

 .chart-name-group {
    float: left;
    width: 33%;
  .chart-id-group {
    float: left;
    width: 35%;

I'm sorry, they are not checkboxes, they are text boxes. It was a typo.

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