Hi All,

I am building a personal jukebox and looking to run this off of a raspberry pi, originally I started out using mopidy, but found all of the interfaces lack the general features that I really like and need, and the speed in actually touching some services and playing was attrocious. It also needs to be a touchscreen specific setup.

I recently relocated to another country and my music collection is sitting in long term storage back home. As such I am looking at building my jukebox so it links to existing services such as spotify and youtube. I need to build out a touch screen interface. Now I can attach to both API's/services and retrieve the tracks and track URL's that I want. I can put them into a playlist using php and mysql.

However what I am trying to do is find a consistent player that will go through and play the video and audio if it comes from youtube and play the song if it comes from spotify. I just cant find a consistent way to do that, that will let me do it without long pauses between. Just wondering if there are any specific library or player that would help me launch something like that. I want to stay on the right side of legal obviously as well and it will only be a personal usage thing.


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