Hello :)

Around a month ago, i got a custom bookmarklet coded for my wordpress blog and on top of the bookmarklet .js code there is this line

var token = 'QzEJ5PJ3/RRO4cubQQiKKNg5au6SESUSkQOK5w9HKFgH6GxVu1NNilA5TYqoMBbz6sKdZP6eQ4GeLyZ1Ht5S/VrHIISvHXKFPxXNUZmRp1M=';

I think this is some sort of API key or something that’s specific to a wordpress installation right? cause when i move the code from one blog to another, it does not work.
Unfortunately the coder that i hired is unreachable now and i am not sure how and where to fetch this key from.
Can someone please point me to where i can get this value off my wordpress instalation?

Entire Code for the Plugin / Bookmarklet
http://snippi.com/s/l4xof8g (Bookmarklet.php)
http://snippi.com/s/8ewe4z6 (Bookmarklet.js)

Thanks and Kind Regards.
Alex M.

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see the lines 254 and 263 of the PHP page, the first checks if the token is set by the request (i.e. through javascript), the second is a conditional IF statement that verifies the value of the set token with the hardcoded.

Change the value in the javascript and, accordingly, in the PHP file.

when i move the code from one blog to another

That's the problem. The javascript is checking if your domain starts with http://...labs5.imvges.xyz or https://...labs5.imvges.xyz. If your new blog doesn't start the domain like that, it will reject. If that is the case, update the regex_found variable value to match whatever your new blog is.

PS: The variable token is there just to give a slightly sense of security. It is not an API or anything.

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