I want to include a simple calculator in my webpage but it has been hectic. I want to make it calculate bus fare, meaning it will contain;
-departure city (includes dropdown of a number of towns)
-destination city (includes dropdown of a number of towns)
-type of ride**( two options which are, normal ride or executive ride. these options have different prices.)
company (The customer choses which company he/she wants to use, e,g transbus, Nakuwel etc )
Number of pasengers (this is multiplied by the amount of one person)
Date/Time* ( this does not affect the total)*

-TOTAL (this is in the same page)

The amount charged per person, is fixed in the departure to destination city( this varies from town to town)

Now all you need to do is to put in the time or hire it out. Daniweb does have a post where you can post the job you are offering.

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