[IMG]http://www.aspmessageboard.com/images/printer.gif[/IMG]hi all

I am trying to implement exception handling in my application, where I come accross some questions

I have set the customerror mode to renote only, and defaultredirect to a asp.net page.

1) do I have to comment that out, till i release the project?
2) for local host what will happen, if i set some page for the default error and error event?

For processing the unhandled exceptions, like sending mail to developer, what all I have to be careful

I am realy afraid of chanign something in web config

can anyone please clear my questions


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let me give you some sample code. You don't need to change web.config at all

you want to put this code in your global.asax code behind. This is for C#.Net but you should be able to convert it to VB.Net if thats what you are using

protected void Application_Error(Object src, EventArgs e ){
			string emAddr = "developer@yoursite.com"
			string trc,message = "Application Error";
				Exception objError = Server.GetLastError();
				if(objError.InnerException != null)
					objError = objError.InnerException;
				trc = objError.StackTrace.Replace(" at ", "<li>");
				trc = trc.Replace(" in ", "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");

				message = "<table>"+
					"<tr><td colspan=2><b>Application Error</b></td></tr>"+
					"<tr><td width=80 valign=top>Source:</td><td>"+ objError.Source + "</td></tr>"+
					"<tr><td valign=top>Error:</td><td>"+ objError.Message +"</td></tr>"+
					"</table><hr align=center width=80%><table>"+
					"<tr><td>Stack Trace:</td></tr>"+
					"<tr><td>"+ trc +"</td></tr></table>";
				SendEmail(emAddr, "Application Error", message,true);


		public static void SendEmail(string To, string Subject, string Body, bool HTML) {

			System.Web.Mail.MailMessage mail = new System.Web.Mail.MailMessage();
			mail.To = To;
			mail.From = "whoever@yoursite.com";
			mail.Subject = Subject;
			mail.BodyFormat = (HTML?System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html:System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Text);

			System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "yourmailserver";

How can I test it? in the localhost?

thanks for the reply

But I tried to add the code in gloabl.asax, but it is missing in my application.

How is this?

just add a global.asax file, right click the web project in solution explorer, click add
then select global.asax from the available files

I got it Sedgey
thanks for your prompt reply

Can you please tel me, how can I test the application from local host?

do something that you now will cause an unhandled excpetion on one of your pages

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