cffan 0 Newbie Poster

A while back I developed a CF application for my boss to post news articles to our company website. For the most part it has worked great but my boss gets most of the content he posts from emails he receives so naturally he copies and pastes the email from his email client (AOL - Ugh, I know) right into the WYSIWYG editor (FCKeditor) in my CF app.

There are a couple problems with this scenario. The pasted content often times includes images that were embedded in the email rather than the image source being set to a third party host with a full URL. So, because of this, the images don’t get transferred over with the formatted text. Another issue is caused by the way some of these emails are formatted using specified table widths and other CSS to get the email to look a certain way. Many times these settings conflict or override the styles I have applied to the webpage the news posting is being displayed on so everything gets messed up.

Is there a better way to display this content in the way is was intended without causing problems on our website? Maybe converting the content to FlashPaper or something similar is a possible solution. Does anyone have any ideas?


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