i have probleam on run application , when i click on "Launch as emulated Java ME JAD" this message shown :

com.sun.kvem.midletsuite.InvalidJadException: Reason = 22 The manifest or the application descriptor MUST contain the attribute: MIDlet-1

but its run true when i click on "Launch as emulated Java ME MIDlet"
can any body help me to slove this problem ?

To be fair I never messed up with JAD and took it for granted that is correct. To my understanding JAD function is in detection of device capabilities. Because JAD is just few kb in size it should be used by internet sites to send this file in first place to find out if device is capable run midlet and only after that JAR should be forwarded, as JAR can be large in tenths of Mb

If you want to have look and tweak your JAD here is official guide to parameters

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