Hello !

Help me with some sample, please !

I want a sample code, if it is possible, to access a same function (same name of functions) in different modules, by date.

Ex. for date 31.01.2008 I want to use function "MY_FUNCTION_A" from module 31012008;
for date 01.07.2008 I want to use function "MY_FUNCTION_A" from module 01072008;

I want to create a dll with many modules, each for a starting date but each with the same set of functions (the same name of functions). The proper function is selected by an other code - and this I don't know how to do - using the date.

How can I do a dll, a function or module to accesing a function with the same name but from the module that has a specific date ?

Ex. Call in a form

Return_array_parameters() = MyDll.ExecuteFunction(Now(), "MY_FUNCTION_A", Input_array_parameters(), Output_array_parameters())


In the MyDll.dll project I have modules:

"31012008" (a name in a correspondance with date) with functions:


another module

"01072008" (a name in a correspondance with date) with functions:


Thank you very much !

Have you tried using a Select Case statement in the classes Constructor?
Perhaps you could then use


Hope this did'nt over simplify your problem!


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