Re: How do they do it on facebook? I am Confused and curious to know Programming Web Development by jwenting angularjs+rest+ajax+some backend code AngularJS route url param to php script Programming Web Development by azapovjednik Dear All, (first of all I am a beginner!!!) I have a project single-page web application (php, mysql, jquery, angularjs). I have questiong regarding angularjs and php how to pass url parameter to php variable? public_profile.php?user_id=7 I know basics of angularjs routing, and it works fine. The problem is when I click on one table row, I… Re: AngularJS Template not running Programming Web Development by glennferrie I think you should start by separating your ng-app and ng-controller onto separate DOM elements. I've always built AngularJs apps where my ng-controller was on an element that was a child (or deeper descendant) of the element that was the ng-app container store form data in sql with angularjs 2 Programming Web Development by Violet_82 Hi guys, I'm fairly new to angularjs 2 (I've only used 2) and I have a small application with a form. Currently I'm able to get the form data as an objects and print it to the console.log, onSubmit(form: any):void{ console.log(form); } producing this: Object {author: "Author test", title: "… MVC Routing to AngularJS Route Programming Web Development by lithium112 I have a SPA which uses an AngularJS front end and C# back end. The issue I'm having is when I navigate to the login page, it is using @Html.Partial("_LoginPartial"). The url then becomes .../Account/Login. When I click on say the "About" tab, this uses an AngularJS route which in turn instead of routing me to the About Page, it… Re: store form data in sql with angularjs 2 Programming Web Development by Violet_82 It will be running in a browser. So, here are a few more details. The application is essentially meant to allow users to input books (Title, author and a few more fields) using a form and when the form is submitted all that data go to a database (mySql). Currently I have only the frontend part, done entirely in angularjs 2. I've never really … Re: Problem: AngularJs and Php Programming Web Development by ansaripk Hello Kindo, Instead of assigning angularjs variable to php variable you can call direct in query string. try this: $s = $db->query("SELECT * FROM reply WHERE post_id_fk = '{{task.vid}}'") or die($db->error.LINE); This should work with angularJS. Problem: AngularJs and Php Programming Web Development by kindo Hello Pals... Help with this code...I am unable to hold Angularjs tag with Php variables $vid = "{{task.vid}}"; //this where the Errors comes in :( $s = $db->query("SELECT * FROM reply WHERE post_id_fk = '$vid'") or die($db->error.__LINE__); Please how can i go about this? Thank you! Reset a page in AngularJS Digital Media UI / UX Design by gcardonav I want to create an option that will reset my page once the user clicks on an alert the controller will reset to original form. I have the alert all set up but I am not sure how to do this. In JavaScript I created a function that did this `startANewGame();` which was this function startANewGame() { $('#startNew').click(function() { location.… Laravel+AngularJS project Programming Web Development by solomon_13000 I am attempting to create a simple project for the subject matter for learning and discovery purpose however it doesn't seem to work. My rest API works well but the integration of AngularJS with Laravel doesn't work. You can pull my mini project from [Click Here]( Your help is kindly appreciated. AngularJS - xml2json Programming Web Development by Arun_15 I want to parse json to html, with angularjs, i am converting an xml rss feed to json with npm xml2json I am using angularjs http to get an xml from the server, i am using node module xml2json to convert it to a json object. I get the document returned properly but it doesn't look right because it has html tags in the xml document. If anyone knows … Angularjs modal and breadcrumbs Programming Web Development by kubiak Hi, I am new at angularjs. I use angualarjs ui boostrap modal and i need to show the uibreadcrumb in the modal. I am working on file browsing. I don't see breadcrumb in the modal. Console give me this: **Uncaught Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'myApp' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a … bar chart and table Programming by davy_yg bar_chart.html <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="fusioncharts/js/fusioncharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="fusioncharts/js/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fint.js"></script> <script src="https://ajax.… Re: bar chart and table Programming by ryantroop So fusion charts requires their data in a specific format. You can choose to parse that data (as they have), or you can write a conversion script to output the format they expect from the data you have. You gotta do some of this on your own. I get fusionCharts is not the nicest of APIs to work with, but it's not terrible. At the end of the day … Re: [angularjs] 2 different controllers for 2 json and views Programming Web Development by hericles Your console.log line isn't getting hit because the code is failing at the http.get line. When AngularJS itself hits an error the location of the error shown in the console often isn't of much use. I used a JSON validator [found here]( and loaded up your JSON. Two errors were found. If you do the same you … Create a conditional with AngularJS Programming Web Development by gcardonav I have a step in my code where the application will check on the word entered by the user and compare it to the a word. My issue is that my original code was javascript and now I am not certain how to set it up for AngularJS. I had to ideas but neither one work. This is my option in the my `controller.js` file $scope.addGuess = function()… Argument controller is not function, got undefined Programming Web Development by Khoo Currently I'm using xampp, and creating chat-app with AngularJS and integrated with Laravel framework. My AngularJS front-ends is actually placed in Laravel's views folder. And the back-ends stuff (Angular's controller, services) placed in public/app folder. I try to integrate chat-app template (front-end) into my video template. So it's actually… can we run two functions parallely in angularjs? Programming Web Development by Priti_P Hello, Am new @angularjs. I am using progressbar in angular bootstarp. but for my requirement its little bit tricky. I am using progressbar for DB migrations. OnClick of button my migration process starts and bar should show progress. What I was thinking to do is : onclick call function which will trnsferring data and same function parallelly … showing data from json with angularjs Programming Web Development by surferbloggy Hi i'm showing data from json with angularjs if i write this <div class="boxhotel" > <p>rateChange: {{roomz.RateInfo}}</p> </div> i retrieve this {"@rateChange": "false", "@promo": "false",… datepicker in angularjs Programming Web Development by Priti_P Hello, Am new n angularjs. Am using angular bootstrap datepicker First issue 1] I want to use calendar for choosing only month and year but am not able to I did the all ways but all are unsuccessful 2] I want to remove Today|Weeks|Clear buttons from datepicker as per gievn in… combine AngularJS,HTML5,and CSS3 as front end,NodeJs as back end,and PHP5 Digital Media UI / UX Design by kalcio Hi, I'am newer in PHP development.I have a question please,Is there any way to create a web application with AngularJS, HTML5, and CSS3 as front end, and NodeJS as back end ,and PHP5 as a the restful web service? thanks for Help setinterval function in foraeach loop in angularjs Programming Web Development by Priti_P Hello, I want to stop foreach loop for 5 seconds while processing, in angularjs But my below code is not working Where am wrong here? angular.forEach(data, function(value, key) { total_count=data[key].length; // length of each array array_key = key; key_length=key.length; // length of each key $scope.… What is the difference between compile and link function in angularjs ? Programming Web Development by pro-tek **Difference between compile and link function in angularjs?** IDE with typescript support for webdev in windows and linux Programming Web Development by Violet_82 Hi guys, I will soon have a licence to run webstorm on one machine (at work) but I need to think of some other free IDE which supports typescript ideally natively on a different laptop running windows and linux (at home). I had a look around of course, but as I don't have any experience with any of them I thought I'd ask here. For windows I know… im trying to run karma unit test with no success Programming Web Development by samertaha hi I'm trying to run karma test runner on angular-seed project I downloaded from git with no success always I get errors, here is the repo im using this version I installed jasmine and karma and node.js and karma-chrome-launcher I installed all this using the npm package manager that comes … Re: im trying to run karma unit test with no success Programming Web Development by Traevel I managed to find the github page, but that's about it. All the links you posted are not pointing anywhere. Secondly, I don't think that is a free e-book. It's being sold actively. From what I read on that github page angular-seed is a backbone project to get your own project started on. The reason I'm phrasing it that way is because there are … Re: Passing params from AngularJS to C# Controller Programming Web Development by lithium112 I finally recieved an answer for this. Basically what needed to be done was to create a couple properties: public class Data { public string Name { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } } And then: [HttpPost] public object PostLogin(Data data) { return … Re: Angular 2. Is it ready ? Programming Web Development by Jumonji it's ready!!! Just announced. Final version of 2.0. where do i have to put the session_id() in a wordpress plugin Programming Web Development by surferbloggy Hi, i'm doing a wordpress plugin that add some data from angularjs/json on each post in the json angularjs request i have to pass the session id i've found this code to set it session_start(); $id = session_id(); but i don't know where to put it becouse if i add it in the function that print the data below the article post … bind angular js variable to DB Programming Web Development by Priti_P Hello, I am newbie in AngularJS. I had query about fetching data and storing in angularJS's variable. I have table where all employees are stored. Now, what I want is show dropdown of these employees. i.e fetch values from Database and store into variable of module which i can use further. I have used this with static variable/array but not able to…