Priti_P 0 Junior Poster


Am new n angularjs.
Am using angular bootstrap datepicker
First issue
1] I want to use calendar for choosing only month and year
but am not able to
I did the all ways but all are unsuccessful

2] I want to remove Today|Weeks|Clear buttons from datepicker

as per gievn in
by setting minView mode to 1 i wanted to show only month and year view.

In my blade.php i used code as

<input type="datepicker" show-weeks='false'  datepicker-popup="MMMM-yyyy" start-view=2 min-view=2 show-weeks="false" ng-model="previousEmployeement.from_date" 
    min-date="minDate" max-date="'2015-06-22'" datepicker-options="dateOptions" date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)" ng-required="true" />  

and on controller side

var app = angular.module("employeeInfo", [ 'ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller("employeeController", function($scope,$http,$filter,employeeInfoService) {
            $scope.myFile =  '';
            $scope.alldata = false;

            $scope.dateOptions = {
                                    formatYear: 'yy',
                                    startingDay: 1,
/* also tried below for testing . Read from stackoverflow */
app.config(function (datepickerConfig, datepickerPopupConfig) {
      datepickerConfig.showWeeks = true;
      datepickerPopupConfig.toggleWeeksText = null;

but still it is not resolving my above issues.

I read that removing lower pannel buttons in possible only if you are using <datepicker />
( Source: last comment )

what changes should i do for this?