Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Johannes C. … by SEO experts [Rand Fishkin](… Anonymous pwns INTERPOL following global arrest spree Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek …detectives[/URL] who were discussing how to deal with Anonymous hacking attacks amongst other things. The fact that … most of Tuesday, would seem to suggest that Anonymous were successful in pwning yet another law enforcement site… for Vendetta 'Guy Fawkes' mask associated with the Anonymous collective as well as the Occupy movement, across Argentina… Anonymous methods Programming Software Development by atx …. Which of the following are true about anonymous methods? 1) Anonymous methods have access to the local state of…and parameters of the containing function. 4) An anonymous method can access ref and out parameters of the… function 5) A struct may not declare an anonymous method which directly references member fields. In my opinion… Re: Anonymous methods Programming Software Development by serkan sendur …of the containing function member. - true 2) An anonymous method requires an explicit method signature - false 3) An… anonymous method can impact the lifetime of local variables and…parameters of the containing function. - true 4) An anonymous method can access ref and out parameters of the containing… Tango Down: Anonymous #OpFreeAssange strikes Number 10 and UK Justice Dept Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek Anonymous hacktivists took aim at the websites of …period of time. The attacks were part of the Anonymous response to the UK government's handling of the…and have been hit by an Anonymous DDoS attack. All three sites were taken down …in the year during #OpTrialAtHome in protest at what Anonymous referred to at the time as the UK's … Re: Anonymous methods Programming Software Development by atx Thanks much. Only I've read in the MSDN library, that an anonymous method cannot access the ref or out parameters of an outer scope. What would you say? anonymous proxy? Hardware and Software Networking by tori … lay person I heard that if I use a free anonymous proxy server to connect the internet instead of a direct… do not understand is: When I surf by this free anonymous server, and go for example to a site where I… numbers and information, I mean those who run this free anonymous server? Thanks Anonymous Objects Programming Software Development by meabed hi all .. this is intorduction to an anonymous classes, An anonymous class is one that doesn't have a name. In …the following example, both structures inside the TRectangle union are anonymous classes: Here is an example of running the program: You… Anonymous Objects Programming Software Development by meabed hi all .. this is intorduction to an anonymous classes, An anonymous class is one that doesn't have a name. In …the following example, both structures inside the TRectangle union are anonymous classes: Here is an example of running the program: You… Re: anonymous proxy? Hardware and Software Networking by toseo … use [B][URL=""]anonymous proxy lists[/URL][/B] from that website. Some of the… are high anonymous and fresh. But remember, anonymous proxy servers are not for security, are for… Re: anonymous proxy? Hardware and Software Networking by mrbig I've found an web based anonymous proxy:[url][/url] Re: anonymous proxy? Hardware and Software Networking by roshank here you go list of anonymous , elite proxy lists updated everyday [URL=""]proxy list[/URL] :mrgreen: 'Anonymous' Bloggers' Information to be Revealed in Lawsuit Community Center by slfisher 178 Web posters who thought they were anonymous are being [URL="…"]proposed[/URL] making such anonymous posting illegal. Anonymous class Programming Software Development by Samyx … instead of implementing class enumeration I want to create an anonymous class in the method getEnumeration that does the job right…: Nov 2, 1998 // // Starting point for Ex. 10.1: an anonymous class // implementation of an Enumeration. // The current file has the… anonymous blog Digital Media Digital Marketing by Violet_82 Hi there, I would like to start an anonymous blog. The reason is that I simply don't want … any suggestion. I will use tor and then create an anonymous email address, perhaps using tormail, then sign up with wordpress… anonymous function with a parameter Programming Web Development by Violet_82 Hi guys, if you have an anonymous function sitting within an each function and I would like …to use the this parameter within the anonymous function, how would I do it? Currently it returns an… Re: Anonymous class Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Just like any anonymous implemenation[code]return new Enumeration() { public boolean hasMoreElements() { throw new … Re: Anonymous structs Programming Software Development by triumphost … I thought that by putting it, I can change an anonymous union to the same as a struct without a name… get a nice colourful bitmap (exactly what I want). But Anonymous structs aren't legal :S Re: Anonymous structs Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … declaration, and it is treated as the declaration of an anonymous object of an unnamed class/struct. The legal way to… said that it is only syntactic sugar to have an anonymous struct in your union. The only difference is between accessing… Re: Anonymous outer class reference Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … no such thing as an "anonymous outer class". Only inner classes can be anonymous. Anyway, "yes" to both… Re: anonymous blog Digital Media Digital Marketing by Violet_82 … I will play safe and make an effort to be anonymous, but perhaps it's not needed. Fact is I haven… Anonymous web browsers - any use? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Terence Sleeper Are any of the freeware anonymous web browsers which are available on the Net any good? Some of them look decidedly dodgy! Any recommendations / ones to avoid? Anonymous User gained access to my computer 5-12-07 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by patikq1 … this mess!! I also have winlog Notify cryptnet dll names anonymous REG_DWORD value data 0x00000000 (0) and Impersonate REG_DWORD value data… anonymous array in method argument Programming Software Development by joopdirksen …++, and i'm wondering, how can i pass in an anonymous array into a method? [code] float color[4] = {1.0f… anonymous functions? Programming Software Development by winrawr …'t know if this is what you would call an anonymous function, or "Lambda" function I guess, I haven… Re: anonymous functions? Programming Software Development by ShawnCplus C++ does not have anonymous functions. However, C++0x standard does using the following syntax (… Anonymous griefers induce epileptic seizures using JavaScript Digital Media UI / UX Design by happygeek … perpetrated by members of the informal griefer collective known as Anonymous, perhaps best known for its recent attacks on Church of… Re: Anonymous griefers induce epileptic seizures using JavaScript Digital Media UI / UX Design by MikePL … could be blaming us for this thing. Anyone can be anonymous on-line, people need to take a look at the… Re: Anonymous griefers induce epileptic seizures using JavaScript Digital Media UI / UX Design by LegionAnonymous I hope we are not still associated with this kind of disgusting thing. Raiding on Habbo is one thing, but this is a completely different thing. And anyone can go onto sites like 4chan or 711chan and post anonymously. That doesn't make them part of the protest group Anonymous. Anonymous structs Programming Software Development by triumphost I've read that anonymous structs are a compiler extension and codeblocks allows them as …