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[[ re-posted from the DesktopLinuxAsm mailing list ]] [url]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DesktopLinuxAsm/[/url] << Here is a puzzle for assembler guru's and anyone who needs a diversion. Bill Gates has spent the last year working on a virus to destroy Linux. To complete his virus he needs the constant of -4 in eax. His …

Member Avatar for chubbywubba

i have to fill in this table and I am not sure how to fill in the rest. can anyone help? ignore the 1 0 d at the top

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for -EquinoX-

Okay so say I have an array which is like this: [code] .data values: .half -17 .half 16 .half 153 [/code] and I want to print it as -17 16 153 How do I do this?? If it is stored in a 4 byte of integer then it would be …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ivatanako

Can I move the mouse pointer using the arrow keys with assembly? Is it possible? And if it is, can someone give a code or a snippet? I really have no clue. I know that [code]mov ax, 1 int 33h[/code] But how can I move it using the arrow keys?

Member Avatar for Evenbit

[url]http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=165727[/url] Version 2.2 of the StdLib is now on SourceForge. - Improvements: increases OS independance, performance, and design consistency. Accessible from other assemblers and other languages. - Includes: Automated Test Suite The intention of this project is to support users of Randall Hyde's HLA (High Level Assembly) language who wish …

Member Avatar for kahad

Hello! I'm trying to type a thing in MIPS code. It takes two integers n and m. Both must be between 1 and 10 inclusive. It tests the numbers and complains until the numbers meet the requirements. It then computes 1^m + 2^m + …. + n^m. For example. should …

Member Avatar for kahad
Member Avatar for arrogant

hi, please help using keil compiler for 80c51.. how to writ assembly program and compile iot in keil... please help.... :sad:

Member Avatar for sneha sirohi
Member Avatar for Kassis

Is there a way to do a vector of vectors in assembly? like this: vector1 is 1,2,3,4..10 vector2 is 7,8,9,6,5 and vector is vector1, vector2 is there a way?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for cbalu

I need to read the [B][COLOR="Red"]BAR (Base Address Register) Length in PCI[/COLOR][/B]. How can i do that. I can able to find the Devices present in the PCI using the CF8 and CFC ports. But, how can i get length of the BAR Registers

Member Avatar for xenix

Hello all, I am trying to load a 32bit data (word) from the PortB of a BRAM to a GPR (general purpose register) of the PowerPC. Address Map for Processor ppc405_0 (0b0000010000-0b0000010011) ppc405_0 (0b0000100000-0b0000100011) ppc405_0 (0xa0008000-0xa000ffff) docm_cntlr docm (0xffff8000-0xffffffff) iocm_cntlr iocm i am using the LWZ command like LWZ r1, …

Member Avatar for vladdy19

I'm wondering how I would be able to tell if an integer is even or odd, I know that if the least significant bit is 1 then it is odd but I don't know how to tell if the integer has this bit as a 1 or a 0.

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for sofianos

Hi guys! im having a problem with an exercise and i can't find the solution. the program have to sub the contents of the second array from the first and mov the result to the third. This is what i did so far. [code=assembly]TITLE ARITHMETIC2 DOSSEG .MODEL SMALL .STACK 100h …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for yanyan

hi,,im so new in this environment,,and im having a hard time,, wuold you mind giving me some example of c++ codes with corresponding assmbly language codes in tasm,,thanks

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for kedar.potdar

Hi, I am currently porting 64 bit application with C and Assembly code (x86-64) from Linux to windows. I am using Microsoft C-Compiler 2005 and Yasm for compiling C and assembly code respectively. I have modified the assembly files as per the 64-bit ABI specification for windows and i do …

Member Avatar for hentei

The addres stored in ebx is the addres of the system function in the msvcrt.dll library. But this code doesnt work, when i try debbuging it, at the call it says that the addres is unreadable. What is wrong? Sorry for my english and also for my question if its …

Member Avatar for K1ngp1n

alright... So I want to learn assembly, and i got a few tutorials. I noticed that there were different interrupts. I went online and searched for a list of them, and i found Ralph Brown's interrupt list....My question(s) is/are, Is it true there is over 120,000 different interrupt commands? How …

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Member Avatar for toxicboy

first of all, i am using windows xp, and i am using nasm to assemble my code, and djgpp to compile it with driver.c what i basically want to do is do a chat thing using serial ports, pretty much like Choink23 is trying to do in another thread. here's …

Member Avatar for toxicboy
Member Avatar for montoyaf1

I want to make a proc which count random hunderts of time...Example, a want my proc to wait about 80 hounderts of secend...I write next proc but it doesn't work...If somebody know where i'm wrong, can you help me...thanks.here is the proc : STOP PROC NEAR PUSHF PUSH AX PUSH …

Member Avatar for bASMER

Hi, I don't quite understand this subject of Assembly. I was interested in knowing what they were used for and how I can use them, explained as simply as possible. I'm reading from this tutorial: [URL="http://maven.smith.edu/~thiebaut/ArtOfAssembly/CH05/CH05-2.html#HEADING2-1"]http://maven.smith.edu/~thiebaut/ArtOfAssembly/CH05/CH05-2.html#HEADING2-1[/URL] Thanks.

Member Avatar for ivatanako

[code] org 100h ; set location counter to 100h .model small .stack 200 .data crlf db 0dh,0ah,'$' prompt1 db 'enter the first positive integer: ','$' prompt2 db 'enter the second positive integer: ','$' prompt3 db 'The sum of two numbers is: ','$' num1 db ? num2 db ? res1 db …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for bASMER

Hi, I just started learning assembly using this website: [URL="http://maven.smith.edu/~thiebaut/ArtOfAssembly/artofasm.html"]http://maven.smith.edu/~thiebaut/ArtOfAssembly/artofasm.html[/URL] I am currently at chapter 3.3.7, and am confused about the concept of opcodes. What is their purpose? Thanks, any help is appreciated greatly.

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for politte

hello, I'm very very new at learning programming (actually this is just a hobby, I'm not a student) and want to start learning with assembly. I bougt a book about assembly and try to understand it but I couldn't understand any word about it. :( My book isn't including any …

Member Avatar for politte
Member Avatar for csinquirer

The values of eflags are changed after an arithmetic instruction. What do they contain after executing a nonarithmetic instruction such as MOV? What if there was an arithmetic operation in a nonarithmetic instruction such as [code]MOV DX,[BX+0001][/code] I need clarification on this since I believe that EFLAGS can't be empty.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ChipChamp

Okay, I downloaded Masm32 to my computer, and I found a (seemingly) good simple tutorial online to get me started before I buy a book. But the tutorial said that here is a code for your first program: [code=assembly].model small .stack .data message db "Hello world, I'm learning Assembly !!!", …

Member Avatar for ChipChamp
Member Avatar for linux0id

Hello everyone! Not so long ago I decided to learn assembly language. I have grasped the basics of it more or less, but there is one problem that I cannot solve (and find any help about). I wrote a program to output the sum of two integers that are entered …

Member Avatar for someb0dy
Member Avatar for PieSquared

I'm writing a compiler, but if I want it to be on more than one platform, it seems I have to learn every assembly language for the different platforms. I've seen a number of languages which try to be 'portable assembly languages' such as Linolium and C--, but they all …

Member Avatar for PieSquared
Member Avatar for RicardoDiaz

Hi, I started reading a book named "Programming from the ground up" but realized it's for Linux, so I installed Ubuntu in my Mac with Qemu to test my code there. It works perfectly. But now I want to program with the Intel syntax, with NASM, in my Mac. So …

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for lilo12

[code=assembly]TITLE charwordcount DOSSEG .MODEL SMALL .STACK 100h .DATA msg1 db "Enter a sentence please: $" msg2 db " Do you want to try again (Y/N)? $" msg3 db "Character count = $" msg4 db "Word count = $" sentence db 84 dup("$") try db 5 dup("$") crlf db 13, 10, …

Member Avatar for defeaning

hi everyone,.Im new in Assembly language.I ask if you can teach me on how to convert the following c++ program to tasm. I hope you could help me with these. [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { clrscr(); int n; cout<<"enter number: "; cin>>n; if(n==50) cout<<"n is 50"; else …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for mapaputsi

Sorry guys im kinda new in this language and i have a small problem here. im supposed to write a code that uses addition and subtraction to clear and set a carry flag it must then display the dumpregs and i think this is how it should look, well not …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex

The End.