Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim …;. And regardless of how wasteful the current format is, the beta (likely to go live shortly) is even more wasteful showing… Beta test system Programming Web Development by wiredtec I'm looking for a beta form. what i want it to do is auto redirect user from a main site to the enter beta key form. If they don't have a key , a link to a get beta key signup form that only require a name ane email. This is mostly to limit who i want accessing the site. Thanks. Beta Testing Tools Programming Computer Science by scorpionz Hi this is scorpionz I need to know some information regarding Beta Testing Tools I have searched many places on the internet, but unable to figure out can any help me with this, and give some useful ingformation regarding beta testing tool? any site? and some tool ? Any response will be highly appreciated Regards Scorpionz Re: Beta test system Programming Web Development by vibhaJ Just consider beta form as a login page. On home page is session is not set user is redirect to key enter page. If key is properly inserted you can set session and redirect back to home page. You can achieve your requirement by checking and setting simple php sessions. Re: Beta Testing Tools Programming Computer Science by sarehu You're going to have to explain what you mean by "beta testing tool" then. Re: Beta Testers Needed Programming Web Development by joshmac … you who are still interested in testing, I've released beta 4. All files in this version have been updated because… for your help. Beta Testers?? Hardware and Software Hardware by viperman224 … the wrong forum lol. Do you guys know anything about Beta Testers? I ran across this link (link below) to HP… Re: Beta Testers?? Hardware and Software Hardware by TKSS when registering myself, it wouldn't let me choose anything under 18 years old. So I assume that HP requires beta testers to be at least 18 years old. :) BETA Testers needed Community Center by Stivi … at: [url][/url] Anyway, this is a BETA software, so any suggestions or bug reports are welcome ;) Have… Beta testers with Cisco APs wanted. Hardware and Software Networking by WiFi-Owl … for people with Cisco Access Points who are interested in beta testing software that will produce Security reports for Audits and… Re: BETA Testers needed Community Center by darkagn I think it may possibly be out of beta now - that post is almost 2 years old... :P Beta management service - advice needed Community Center by MartinWann Hi all! I decided to utilize a online service to arrange beta stage better and permit customers to leave feedback right from the site. There's a lot of them on the web but hard to pick out from all that assortment. Perhaps someone already used one of them and can advise me something. Any ideas on the issue appreciated.[code][/code] Beta testers management service Programming Web Development by Maksym Hi all! Want to conveniently organize beta testing process - communication with testers. Need something that can be easily integrated with my application. Maybe somebody already had some experience using services available. Really apreciate your advice. Thanks! Beta : Expression Evaluators Programming Software Development by mrnutty Just a beta of what I was working on lately. It evaluates mathematical … Beta Testers Needed Programming Web Development by joshmac I need beta testers for my new project management system. It is not your typical pm, but it is a simple and lightweight system with social skills. It you are willing to download and test it out thoroughly, please visit: Any help with any aspect of testing is greatly appreciated. Re: Beta Testers Needed Programming Web Development by joshmac Ok, so I need to release a beta 3. After the install is complete, you should go to … Re: Beta Testers Needed Programming Web Development by joshmac … again for testing. Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 rolled out, Vista Beta reeled in Community Center by happygeek …com/windows/ie/downloads/default.mspx"]Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 [/URL]today is a move closer to the …from the MS06-021 patch have been rolled into the Beta. Do not expect any new security tools or features though… park either, unless that walk involved uninstalling previous IE 7 Beta software first, a time consuming process. Oh, and you … Firefox 4 Beta Debuts Panorama Tab Management Hardware and Software by EricMack …[URL=""]beta version of Firefox 4[/URL], released on Tuesday, …iPhone browser app, and Fennec for Android. This latest Beta comes as Microsoft is[URL="http://www.daniweb.…s highlighted list of new additions to this beta: [QUOTE] [LIST] [*]Firefox 4 Beta 4 is available in 39 languages. [*]… Re: Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 rolled out, Vista Beta reeled in Community Center by happygeek … good reason why you should bother upgrading to IE 7 Beta anything, then how about the small fact that unlike IE… said, better safe than sorry so perhaps the IE 7 Beta 3 update isn't such a waste of time after… Re: Firefox 4 Beta Debuts Panorama Tab Management Hardware and Software by BruceAnd851 …[URL=""]beta version of Firefox 4[/URL], released on Tuesday, … to remove distractions from your work flow: This fourth beta version also makes [URL="…iPhone browser app, and Fennec for Android. This latest Beta comes as Microsoft is[URL="http://www.daniweb.… Microsoft to charge for Office 2007 Beta software downloads Community Center by happygeek …announced a $1.50 fee to download the Office 2007 Beta as from August 2nd. Claiming a requirement to cover … right that the consumer should be expected to pay for Beta software, nor even the online mechanism to deliver it. …not admit that the download charge is to limit further Beta distribution without losing face and pulling it altogether? Why not… IE8 Beta Testers wanted, only great people need apply Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by newsguy … areas: performance, recovery and display." Which is why Beta testing is so important. For the most part, users who… download the Beta versions of something like IE8 don't really get to…development team, unless you are part of the Microsoft Connect Beta programme team that is. But now, in an unusual … Mozilla Releases Firefox 4 Beta 1 To The Masses Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by PCBrown …ATTACH=RIGHT]15718[/ATTACH]After a brief delay, Firefox 4 Beta 1 was officially [URL="…a chance at success. [ATTACH]15710[/ATTACH]Even in the beta stage, Firefox 4 has marked improvements in browser speed and… the format this early in its lifespan. Firefox 4 Beta 1 in an impressive release that gives hope to fans… Releasing beta code for selected customers (ZFS to Linux) Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by darshin …community. After dedicated effort, we have finally reached the beta stage of the port and are now making the …much awaited and discussed code available for the selected beta customers. Please log on to the website zfs.kqinfotech… expert. As we are selecting a batch of 25 beta customers from different testing environments, please await your turn.… Windows Vista Beta 2 now available for download Community Center by happygeek …been proven right. Microsoft today announced public availability of Vista Beta 2, the same build (5384) as was made available…gratification isn't guaranteed at all: this is still a Beta remember. Personally, I'd advise against anything but an… page: Thank you for your interest in Windows Vista Beta 2. We are currently experiencing a high level of… err:no matching function to call beta() Programming Software Development by srinath3 …x<<"\n"; } }; class beta { float p,q; public: beta( float a,float b):p(a),q(b…+p) { cout<<"\n beta constructor"; } void show_beta(void) { cout<<"…q<<"\n"; } }; class gamma:public beta,public alpha { int u,v; public: gamma(int a,int… Re: err:no matching function to call beta() Programming Software Development by srinath3 [CODE]class beta { float p,q; public: beta(){ } beta( float a,float b):p(a),q(b+p) { cout<<"\n beta constructor"; }[/CODE] this the code .where i've edited according to your explanation Re: err:no matching function to call beta() Programming Software Development by Fbody … still get an error when you try to call [icode]beta(c, c)[/icode] though. You're better off including… the overloaded version of the beta-class constructor in the gamma-class constructor's initialization list…,float c):alpha(a*2),u(a), beta(c,c) // <-- move to here { /* beta(c, c); <-- move from here ... */ … Announcing the relase of PearPCFront Beta 1! Hardware and Software macOS by Tekmaven :!: Announcing the relase of PearPCFront Beta 1! It's currently a work-in-progress.. but … standard build with this. [quote] Release plan for PearPCFront: Beta 1: Today Beta 2: Hopefully by Friday/Latest Sunday - Will have mannny… more Wizards Beta 3: 2 Weeks - Most (if not all) features and …