Re: How can I log in? Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … FAQ: > In late 2015, DaniWeb suffered a massive data breach. The attack unfortunately resulted in the disclosure of 1.1… Re: Windows licence Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by rproffitt The mechanics of Windows activation is well discussed so I won't breach that topic. To your last question, yes. Also, for home users it doesn't matter if it activates later as Home or Pro. Biggest bank in the US admits 83 million breach Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek … that a million accounts had been compromised during the breach, a claim made during the initial disclosure. Just…has been compromised, and further that there has been no breach of login data. Email addresses, names, addresses, phone… Director, Gavin Millard, says: > Yet another breach of a huge amount of personal information but little detail… 100,000 Gmail accounts put at risk by Yahoo! breach Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek …a file containing all the login data from the breach, which appears to have been as simple as … Security Strategy at Imperva, says "Sadly, this breach highlights how enterprises continue to neglect basic security practices. …One would think the recent LinkedIn breach would have encouraged change, but no. Rather, this… SuperValu breach confirmed, security expert suggests Target link Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek … confirmed that is has, indeed, suffered a data breach. The supermarket company [stated](…What isn't 100% clear is exactly when the breach was discovered, although SuperValu does state it "… reckons "is a brilliant example of how a breach should be managed – openly providing information, informing customers,… DaniWeb story leads to UK Foreign Office being in breach of Data Protection Act Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … has found the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in breach of the Data Protection Act following an investigation into that…alerted the ICO the very first day that the security breach became clear, following my own 'testing' of the…' confidence and trust. We investigate any organisation in breach of the Act and will not hesitate to take … TechRadar closes forums following data breach Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek … month that [LinkedIn had suffered a major security breach](…website forums were closed while an investigation into the breach is underway. According to an official statement from …this month that LinkedIn had suffered a major security breach involving the compromise of at least six million … Re: 100,000 Gmail accounts put at risk by Yahoo! breach Hardware and Software Information Security by john29 security breach is one of the most sought after question on our online world. this is a shame for google. Re: 100,000 Gmail accounts put at risk by Yahoo! breach Hardware and Software Information Security by Seten … created to compensate the users(victims), in case of data breach. Simple sorry is not enough for me as it is… Re: TechRadar closes forums following data breach Hardware and Software Information Security by john29 yes it is a good point considering the security breach that happened with yahoo, and google as well as with aol. Court Equates Contract Breach with Copyright Infringement Programming Databases by EddieC …—including court injunction—along with the monetary remedies available for breach of contract. The [15-page ruling](http://www.cafc.uscourts… of the conditions of the license may have constituted a breach of the nonexclusive licenses, but does not create liability for… Has anyone got any map from NASA depicting breach in magnetic field? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ithelp … today "NASA’s five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth’s magnetic field ten times larger than anything… there is 3 dimensional map of the world showing the breach , I want to see which all cities, countries are affected… Hotmail security breach Hardware and Software Networking by GuyClapperton … their passwords - Microsoft has confirmed it's investigating a security breach. It seems that in spite of the industrial strength security… OPM Breach: US Gov policy one of 'benign neglect' Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek …/office-of-personnel-management-hack-china/71146452/) that a second breach at the federal Office of Personnel Management may have seen… Daniweb security breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by dean66 … pwned?" and it seems you have had a security breach and peoples emails & passwords have been stolen from your… Re: Daniweb security breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … the rest of your questions :) DaniWeb suffered a massive data breach back in 2015 in which email addresses were stolen, but… Re: DaniWeb Database Breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by pty … notifications when your account was pwned in a data breach and unfortunately, it's happened. Here's what'…s known about the breach: > **Email found**: > **Breach**: DaniWeb > **Date of breach**: 1 Dec 2015 …, the technology and social site DaniWeb suffered a data breach. The attack resulted in the disclosure of 1.1… Re: DaniWeb Database Breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by happygeek …activities are usually performed in order to validate breach legitimacy: 1. Has the impacted service publicly acknowledged the… breach? 2. Does the data in the breach turn up in a Google search … with what you'd expect to see in a breach? 4. Have the attackers provided sufficient evidence to … Re: DaniWeb Database Breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by happygeek …what you know (and what you don't) about this breach. For that alone you should be congratulated! That the …system has undergone such changes in the time since the breach occured and since it then became know does, for …the database has been sold. However, the fact that the breach has come to light via haveibeenpwned is evidence that database… Re: DaniWeb Database Breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … old memcached servers last year. Needless to say, this entire breach was just uncovered now, and we are currently on *entirely… incident that temporarily exposed memcached around the time of the breach, so that's the best guess as of right now… Re: DaniWeb Database Breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by happygeek Vigilante is showing a dump date of April 2016 for the DaniWeb breach (it also shows the hashing algo as corrupted) LeakedSource is stating that the database (with an unknown date of breach) contains: username, hash, salt, email, ipaddress, City, birthday, Website, register_date, firstname, lastname, last_login Re: DaniWeb Database Breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … what you know (and what you don't) about this breach. For that alone you should be congratulated! Thanks!! On that… not had access to the servers from the time of breach in a very long time, so there's not much… Re: DaniWeb Database Breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by happygeek … need to go through the required (by statute) process of breach notification. See for a basic… (or part thereof) get dumped. This will be how the breach came to light, in the same way as other historical… Re: DaniWeb Database Breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani …, pty!! How funny! You receive an email about a data breach and so then you log in and contribute a nice… Re: DaniWeb Database Breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … is stating that the database (with an unknown date of breach) contains: username, hash, salt, email, ipaddress, City, birthday, Website, register_date… Re: DaniWeb Database Breach Community Center Meta DaniWeb by ilona.ward … check if their email address had been involved in a breach and of course I checked mine, noticing this among the… Breach of right to privacy (iCloud related issue) Community Center by MasterChat Do we discuss this in this forum? If yes, how do we better protect ourselves? If no, it's ok. Re: Breach of right to privacy (iCloud related issue) Community Center by Dani Firstly, I would never put sensitive photos in the cloud to begin with. And if you did, make sure to encrypt them :) Re: Breach of right to privacy (iCloud related issue) Community Center by Hiroshe Agreed. I would make sure that the client to the cloud has a built in symmetric cipher, where only the client (by extention, you) is able to reproduce the key, or I would make sure to encrypt them before transfer. Re: Breach of right to privacy (iCloud related issue) Community Center by MasterChat I find it very interesting to read replies from learned programmers. It's way different from other people talking about the issue without programming background. How I wish I could relate soon enough.