CGI script gathering browser info Programming Software Development by nanodano When someone accesses a cgi script in their web browser is there a way to gather … someone can suggest a good site that has good c++ cgi script information. Thanks for your time. - Daniel Passing variables in cgi script to another cgi script. Programming Software Development by foco …can get variables from an html page into my perl cgi script just fine, but I want to process these variables …(also works), and pass them to another cgi script. I'm not sure how though. I've tried …to pass back $z to another cgi script. <form action="http://localhost/cgi-bin/test2.cgi"> <input name=&… guestbook cgi script won't return reply page???? Programming Software Development by sydneyrustle … working.... It s a very basic guestbook form and the cgi script seems to work but for some reason my reply page…;/form> </body></html>[/CODE] the cgi script: [CODE]#!/usr/bin/perl # Guest book reply and storage….xml open all xmlsub close all # # End of the guestbook script[/CODE] If any one can help me out, it would… simple cgi script issue Programming Software Development by ruwach …, i need some help with a simple cgi script. i cannot get it to write output to… a file. here is the script. [CODE] #!/usr/bin/python import cgi form = cgi.FieldStorage() Customer = form['Customer'].…print ' ' + ' Field = ' + data[1] # this is where the script fails to do anything.... OutFile = open("/home/nephish/Test… Re: My CGI Script gives me this error...What am I missing? Programming Software Development by DeepZ [QUOTE=tccummings] Premature end of script headers: projest.cgi [/QUOTE] :sad: This usually means that the cgi script does not print anything, so probably it is generating an error. I would guess it cannot find the lib. :!: If you use CGI::Carp, you can show the CGI script errors in the browser so you can see what is going on. Dreamweaver + Python + CGI Script Programming Software Development by ulcards99 For some reason I cannot get my CGI Script to work with my Dreamweaver file. …website. I assume there needs to be a cgi-bin folder where all the web files are …;center">[B]<form action="cgi-bin/" enctype="multipart/form…comes up to be: [url]… running multiple instances of a same perl-cgi script Programming Software Development by gsarin Hi, I have a perl-cgi script (on apache server). The script is called when user selects some arguments and presses …submit button from HTML form using get method. The script inturn calls some batch files using system command and does…no error in apache log file. In summary, the perl-cgi script can have only 2 parallel runs, and I think this… Re: system & exec: running an application within a cgi script Programming Software Development by masijade No, the cgi script does not execute "in the browser". A CGI script runs on the server, and [i]that[/i] is where the "application" is opening. A CGI script produces HTML (or whatever other output it is designed to produce, such as XML, etc) and [i]that[/i] is what the browser gets. Any thing else, happens on the server. My CGI Script gives me this error...What am I missing? Programming Software Development by tccummings When my CGI script is given input from my web …your request. Error message: Premature end of script headers: projest.cgi Does anyone have a clue as to …. Thanks, Tim #!/usr/bin/perl # Program name: projest.cgi require "subparseform.lib"; &Parse_Form; $projcost =… Re: guestbook cgi script won't return reply page???? Programming Software Development by sydneyrustle is it?? i'm don't really know what i'm doing either way... thats how my teacher tells me its done (atleast something like that) don't surpose you can tell me how to write a cgi script for a guestbook then?? cheers syd html & python cgi script help... Programming Software Development by jvignacio …guys im trying to get my html and python cgi script working together to show the users selections of the…html> <body> <form action="cgi-bin/" method="POST"> …></head><body>" form = cgi.FieldStorage() keyList = form.keys() for key in keyList: … Pull Text Into Html with a CGI Script Programming Web Development by bvrclvr1 I am writing a cgi script to pull the contents of a .txt file in the cgi-bin directory into the body of an… what I've got: [code] #!/usr/local/bin/ruby # SCRIPT hello_world.cgi # CREATOR: Ryan Clark puts "Content-type: text/html"… Formmail cgi script Programming Software Development by drbouncy Can anyone help? I have uploaded a formmail.cgi permission are set to 755 All appears to be working …] [url][/url] is where cgi-script is located. I hope you can assist me… pass value in cgi script to javascript Programming Web Development by jvallee I am loading a perl script that creates 2 arrays - 1 with a list …How can I reference the array values generated by the cgi scipt in javascript? Overall task: I have shopping cart… want to read the classid array genereated by perl script If classid value in shopping cart function matches a… on my server... I probably would not need cgi script? system & exec: running an application within a cgi script Programming Software Development by lastlight Hello again, Whenever I run a certain .exe in my CGI script, it opens the process but does not bring up the …& system have the same result. I created an autoit script to run the .exe and called it, but it does…; wordpad in the same fashion produce the same results. The cgi script executes completely in the browser. [CODE]system ('start /b C… Website Forms CGI SCRIPT ?? Digital Media UI / UX Design by jatinrawal … to my website e-mail. I know it required a cgi script. but i dont know how to code it/ make it…. Please provide me a cgi script/code and how will i upload and put it in… know the way to get the FORM work. will this script work for all forms embed in my website??... Thanks a… importing modules in a cgi script Programming Software Development by lastlight … I just can't get my modules imported into my CGI script and run in a browser. It will print the HTML… lib "R:/HPQ_SITLAB_TOOLS/Xgig"; use functions; use CGI; my ($query) = new CGI; print $query->header; print $query->start_html… Re: Pull Text Into Html with a CGI Script Programming Web Development by Taywin If you are going to do it in Rails, you don't need to use CGI script to do because you can open and read files on Rails using File class. This script seems to create & render a HTML page for you using 'puts'. Amending Formmail CGI script Programming Web Development by csteed When the client receives an email from a form that uses the Formmail CGI script, it automatically inserts a line between each data field. I have looked at the script code but am not an expert and cannot see how to remove the lines. The client would like the lines removed. Can anyone be of assistance, Thanks, Chris Change output in cgi script Programming Software Development by toptier … "thank you" page, both delivered by a perl cgi script. Depending on whether the checkbox is checked or not on… Re: CGI script gathering browser info Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ Try looking here: [URL][/URL] [URL][/URL] [URL][/URL] [URL][/URL] Hope it helped, bye. Re: embedding a cgi script into a html document Digital Media UI / UX Design by MattEvans … HTML in the browser window after requesting a cgi-script's data, the script sent data of the type 'text/html' …quot;text/html" data="http://whatever.tld/myscript.cgi"/> [/code] Object (checks to see if…[data])*, then requests [url]http://whatever.tld/myscript.cgi[/url]; myscript.cgi replies with a response typed as [type], and … Re: How to run a cgi script on xampp? Programming Software Development by prashantkaushal …quot;perl" in which u will place all ur .cgi files) in htdocs of it. 4. Now create ur &…line of ur program) 5. Save ur file with ".cgi" extension in previously created "perl" folder. …/perl/filename.cgi", press enter. 10. DANCE AROUND THE FLOOR.... WOOOHOOO!!! Finally u somehow managed to run a cgi script. :D CGI output renders in IE but not Firefox Programming Software Development by thinkwell … by reading. :) I have a CGI script that is driving me batty. CGI is in python. If I put… any python code ABOVE the HTML printout of the script except…, sap_mailserverdata import cgitb; cgitb.enable() site_submit_form = cgi.FieldStorage() site = cgi.escape(site_submit_form.getfirst('submit_url', 'Form error, no URL… Cgi Programming Software Development by dss Hi, I just took a freelancer script its a cgi script. Can any one let me know is there any posibility to run a cgi script on local computer like we run php on apache/IIS and asp on IIS. Is there any way to run cgi script. Thank You CGI - Premature End of Script Headers Programming Software Development by SoulMazer …reference. Interestingly, if I put the styling rules inside the CGI script, it runs perfectly; it only throws an error when … if my "Exec format error: Premature end of script headers" error has to do with Python, so …Apache does not like having CSS files anywhere inside the cgi-bin directory. Moving the stylesheet to a different directory… cgi scripts with command line arguments in c++ Programming Software Development by infantheartlyje Shall i create a cgi script with main function command line Argument ? If i can , How can i pass the data to this command line arguments ? And shall i pass Array of data from JavaScript to cgi-script which is created in c++. How many ways are available for Passing a data from a Html Page to cgi-script ? cgi Programming Software Development by dos_killer …s default file to set the cgi directory to /var/www/cgi-bin...and there i i …directory...and i pass [url]http://localhost/cgi-bin/index.cgi[/url] as the address... i have also…html <TITLE>CGI 101</TITLE> <H1>A Third CGI script</H1> &…lt;HR> <P>Hello, CGI World!</P>… Re: Cgi Programming Software Development by dss Hello, Well what i need to install. In IIS on which I run PHP. So which one i need to install and how to run as I never used CGi script. Thank You [quote=Dukane;289966]Yes, but you need to install a web server on your computer and set it up to support CGI.[/quote] Re: cgi Programming Software Development by richieking Are you sure the cgi diractory is configured well? what is the owner and user group,...? 1.Its apache the owner of this directory?? 2. Can you access a different cgi script from the dir. 3. Have you configured apahce conf well?