134 Topics

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Member Avatar for CesarG

I have just downloaded this C# Command Line Caller sample program of Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK: http://www.voip-sip-sdk.com/p_163-c-command-line-caller-voip.html It is very easy to use and meets my requirements, but I would really appreciate some extra info from more experienced developers. Has anyone ever built a C# Command Line Caller?

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello! i am facing an error ("object refrence is not set to an instance of an object.") i check my all code but i can able to solve it . here is a line of code where i getting it. . . . cmd = new sqlcommand(_mycommand_) if (__mycondition) { …

Member Avatar for arunkumars
Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia

In a nutshell i'm working with a program that uses JSCH and xstream to zip a file, and send it to a remote linux server. I'm using static folders, but when i send a file with the same name as one in the folder it will overwrite the exhisting file. …

Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia
Member Avatar for tedtdu

Dear All I really realy could not find by searching.. Please give your attention for this one. 1st of all, i need to deal with multiple files, but NOT inputting file name each time. Two questions. 1) How to send more than one file to command line arguments. 2) Can …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for M.S.

Hi I found this script from http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/189858 it uses getopt module for managing cmd arguments, but I need it to work on mobile phones. I want to make a Mobile app using this script but I cant figure out how to change the comand Args to simple raw_inputs. can somebody …

Member Avatar for M.S.
Member Avatar for cheiL

Hi there I have a few lines of code that I would like to ammend but have been unsuccessful in doing so. I have posted in a few other forums with no luck, hopefully somebody here can help me out. I have a delete statement which I have been asked …

Member Avatar for cheiL
Member Avatar for spowel4

I need to create a service that will call a batch file. Here's the catch though - once the service calls the batch file, the command window that the batch file runs in must be visible on the desktop, it cannot run hidden. So far nothing I've tried results in …

Member Avatar for viljoed
Member Avatar for aldrin_ison1

Hi! I'm new to C and I'm having some problems in my program. It opens a .txt file then copies this to another .txt file but replaces a certain word with another word. It uses command line arguments. Example: //inside text.txt love is patient love is kind ... ./change love …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for BaconWeave

I'm having fits with an assignment. Basically, the program is supposed to read in command line arguments and input from a text file and, through a long and convoluted chain of dynamic structures, sort them according to the command line input. The input text file reads as such: [I]3 "Smith, …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for YourGamerMom

I want to add an icon to my C command line project in Xcode. Is there a way to do this? if so please tell me how. Thank you. EDIT: it is an openGL project

Member Avatar for ryklon

Hello! So here I am again asking for your knowledge and help.:$ I have this little project of embedding the g++ compiler in my software. What I have done so far is place the compiler inside the bin of my project folder, inside the Debug folder. I managed to call …

Member Avatar for ryklon
Member Avatar for belama

Hi, I'm using SQL Enterprise Library (Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Sql) objects and I'm considering using a DbTransaction to execute multiple DbCommand(s) for inserts/updates in one transaction. Let's say these queries take a few minutes to execute, I do not want it to prevent another process from queries the same tables. Considering I do …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for a1a4a

Greetings I am on a project where the application read a text and execute commands in the text... i am having problems in the part of finding the command from the text. So let's say i have a file with the following text : [QUOTE] message:Hello this is a message …

Member Avatar for a1a4a
Member Avatar for jantrancero

What i want to build is this: Sending a command to another computer and get the results back on the computer where i started on. Additional info: I have a web server running with python on When i go to this address i get a web page and on …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for roottybrian

Am trying to restore a MySQL database using the 'mysql -u root db < my_db' command. In vb's process.start. it gives me the default output you get when you type MySQL - help. Can someone tell me what's up. I guess it cannot see the < symbol. Regards.

Member Avatar for roottybrian
Member Avatar for pwolf

well this is the first time i am trying to make a module, i saved the .py file into a new directory called MyModules and tried to import it in IDLE, but it returned the following error; Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module> import polymod …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for archelle

Hello.. i have a table named Tuition with fields: TuitionNum,TotalFee,Fine,levelNum,SchoolYear,DateCreated,Removed,DateLastModified,UserID I inserted record successfully but when i'm trying to display TotalFee using this code, [CODE] myConnString = "server=localhost;" _ & "user id=root;" _ & "password=fiancee;" _ & "database=anneclaire" SQL = "SELECT TotalFee FROM Tuition WHERE levelNum='" & TextBox1.Text & "' …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Amiet Mhaske

Hello guys, I am new to vb programming. Can anyone tell me how to access command button of one form onto another? I have one mdiParent form on which i have command button "PRINT" and "Add New Client", I want to disable Print button, when i clicked on "Add New …

Member Avatar for Amiet Mhaske
Member Avatar for dinhunzvi

are there any conditions for running the groupadd command via the command line? i have been trying it like this: [CODE]groupadd mysql[/CODE]and i'm getting the following error [CODE]groupadd: cannot lock etc/group; try again later [/CODE]

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Gh0stRa1n

Hey, I'm new here and I need some help. I'm trying to make a program to send a command through a textbox when a button is clicked, THEN grab the output and put it into another texbox. If you could help i would be great full. This is what I …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for bossman5000

Write a shell script that will accept any number of command line interger parameters a d do the following....I have to use a if statment for the lowest and highest values??? Determind the lowest and highest values? Determind the sum of all parameters entered?

Member Avatar for bossman5000
Member Avatar for Airshow

[B]Environment[/B] Development: Amazon EC2 instance. Operational: Unknown at this time [B]Scenario[/B] This is a *nix question but things start out in php, so please bear with me. I'm trying to get php script (php_script_1) to to run another php script (php_script_2) in the background. This will allow php_script_1 to complete …

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Member Avatar for gemma85

Hello everyone, I am a PhD student in Stockholm, studying VoIP technology. I am in the middle of writing my dissertation, about command line calling. As I'm doing my researches, I've already found some very interesting research material, such as this page: XxXwww.voip-sip-sdk.com/p_251-how-to-use-the-command-line-caller-example-with-ozeki-voip-sip-sdk-voipXxX (cancel the X-s) It would be great …

Member Avatar for asmsycool

Hi, i've a problem with my codes, when ever i run it, i got an error from the checking i implemented. Can some pls explain why does the error keep coming. [CODE]import java.net.*; import java.io.*; public class EchoClient{ static final int serverPort = 1026; static final int packetSize = 1024; …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mkab

Hello everyone. I'm trying to code the cd shell command in c. I used chdir function to code it but the problem is that when I execute the program on the terminal it doesn't change the directory. I kept a series printfs and conditions to test if it changes, though …

Member Avatar for mkab
Member Avatar for Capritarius21

What's wrong with the code, pls help: setCon adoJOReport adoJOReport.RecordSource = "Shape{Select SUM(Cost) as SC,SUM(Price) as SP,Brand From Temp_JOMaster Where JoNumber='" & txtJO.Text & "'Group by Brand} " _ & "Append ({Select * From Temp_JOMaster " _ & "Where JOnumber='" & txtJO.Text & "'} Relate Brand To Brand) As Command2" …

Member Avatar for Capritarius21
Member Avatar for revjim44

This is probably obvious to someone who is familiar with Oracle, however, I'm writing a script file for a class, and it throws an error on the line [CODE]ALTER TABLE FACULTY ADD CONSTRAINT FACULTY_Locid_fk REFERENCES LOCATION;[/CODE] where the table is FACULTY, the column is Locid, and I'm trying to create …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for momartin

I need to run several commands more than 400 times for a mass number of files. Therefore, I'm trying to incorporate the commands in to a python script to automate the processes. Even though the commands run successfully in the the windows command prompt (I have manually tested the commands), …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for DILO3D

Can anyone tell me, How can i restart the apache server through php code? if i view a specific page,my apache server should be automatically restart. How can i perform this? Anybody Please help me.

Member Avatar for Pro2000
Member Avatar for naffan

Good morning all, Hopefully a quick solution, I've done some reading up on taking command line arguments and I almost have it licked, but I'm running into some trouble trying to send into a method.. I'll give you an example of what I mean Let's say I want to send …

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The End.