Datarelation Programming Software Development by Bonolo … so i want to update both tables so am using datarelation to do that but a get an exception(Column argument…quot;); BankingAdapter.Fill(ds, "BankingDetails"); //datarelation between Employee and Banking Details DataRelation HRsystemTableRelation = ds.Relations.Add("EmpBank", ds… fld_CPRDiscount is neither a DataColumn nor a DataRelation for table Table. Programming Web Development by firebirds98 …. The error is : fld_CPRDiscount is neither a DataColumn nor a DataRelation for table Table. Here is my SQL Code: [CODE] tbl_BidQuotas… Displaying datagrid on second form Programming Software Development by SLG29 … together the customers and the orders table Dim relation As DataRelation = New DataRelation("CustomersOrders", ds.Tables("Customers").Columns… daOrderItems.Fill(ds, "Items") Dim relation As DataRelation = New DataRelation("OrdersItems", ds.Tables("Orders").Columns("… retrieving ids from dynamically created controls in Programming Web Development by tishr … cycle through the answers for each question Dim QALink As DataRelation = New DataRelation("QuestionLink", QuestionsTable.Columns("QuestionID"), ChoicesTable… the child rows of the question table ' established by the DataRelation QALink and 'fill the answers for the table Dim choiceRow… need help - foreign key not populating Programming Software Development by gr8fasushi … da2.Fill(ds, "issuedesc") Dim dr As DataRelation Dim parentCol As DataColumn Dim childCol As DataColumn parentCol = ds…Tables("issuedesc").Columns("ISS_ID") dr = New DataRelation("IssueRelation", parentCol, childCol) ds.Relations.Add(dr)… DataSet Relation is giving ERROR Programming Software Development by vishalonne …;, ds.Tables[0].Columns[0], true); DataRelation relation1 = ds.Relations.Add("percon"…quot;, ds.Tables[0].Columns[0], true); DataRelation relation2 = ds.Relations.Add("perpar"…0].Columns[0],ds.Tables[0].Columns[]); DataRelation datare = ds.Relations.Add("percon"… how to update table then the update will reflect to table2 also Programming Software Development by wilen …() { // create customerorder data relation object. DataRelation dr = new DataRelation("CustomerOrder", autoLotDS.Tables["Customers"…create inventoryorder data relation object. dr = new DataRelation("InventoryOrder", autoLotDS.Tables["Inventory"… Join Two tables as outer join Programming Software Development by Tank50 … how to join two tables as outer join. [CODE]DataRelation drel = new DataRelation("EquiJoin", dt1.Columns["Destination"], dt2… Help me with this nested gridview Programming Web Development by adil.hafiz652 …) { //DataView dv = new DataView(ds.Tables["Project"]); //DataRelation parentchild = new DataRelation("parentchild", ds.Tables["Project"].Columns… Problem Updating Records / Database Programming Software Development by SCass2010 …OleDbDataAdapter Dim daDataRecoveryJobs As New OleDbDataAdapter Dim dbCustomerJobRelation As DataRelation Dim dvCustomerJob As DataView Dim rvRowView As DataRowView …").Columns("CustomerID") Me.dbCustomerJobRelation = New DataRelation("CustomerJob", Me.dcParent, Me.dcChild) Me.… DataColumn not being assigned to array in loop Programming Software Development by hjdoran … the relationship based on the columns collections Dim relation As DataRelation = New DataRelation(strRelationName, dcParentColumnsArray, dcChildColumnsArray) dsDataset.Relations.Add(relation) End Sub… ASP.Net Membership and Roles and Login Controls Programming Web Development by sumisudhakar …;Menus"; menuSet.Tables[0].TableName = "Menu"; DataRelation relation = new DataRelation("ParentChild", menuSet.Tables["Menu"].Columns… How to populate Foreign Key Programming Software Development by rEhSi_123 ….Fill(ds, "search_result") Dim relation As DataRelation Dim table1column As DataColumn Dim table2column As DataColumn 'retrieve …quot;search_result").Columns("U_ID") relation = New DataRelation("relation", table1column, table2column) ds.Relations.Add(relation)… Asp:Menu giving object reference not set error Programming Web Development by mysitemanager …;Categories").Columns("parent") Dim relation As DataRelation relation = New DataRelation("ParentChild", parentColumn, childColumn) relation.Nested = True ds… Re: DataSet Relation is giving ERROR Programming Software Development by lolafuertes … this line. Then, when you create the relation, in [CODE]DataRelation datare = ds.Relations.Add("percon", ds.Tables[0… Insert Data to Master/Detail table in SQL Server from C# with Foreign key Programming Software Development by ahmed_one ….Add(dt); ds.Tables.Add(dtDet); ds.EnforceConstraints = false; DataRelation rel = new DataRelation("OrdersRel", ds.Tables["Orders"].Columns… Formatting Childgrid inside Master Grid Programming Web Development by Eclipse414 …;) [/code] here is the relationship [code] Dim rel As New DataRelation("payrecord", _ oDataSet.Tables("items").Columns… add radiobutton list or checkboxes list Programming Software Development by shy_wani ….Fill(custDS, "AnswerList") MyConnection.Close() Dim custAnswerListrel As DataRelation = custDS.Relations.Add("CustAnswerList", _ custDS.Tables("… Trying to create a relation Programming Software Development by itmasterw …(Constraint constraint, Boolean addUniqueWhenAddingForeign) at System.Data.DataRelationCollection.DataSetRelationCollection.AddCore(DataRelation relation) If I take out the last relation it works… How to insert Data in Related Tables Programming Software Development by NitendraTRIC …", con) da.Fill(ds, "Subject_Details") dr = New DataRelation("Masterchild", ds.Tables("Course_Details").Columns("… primary key not populating in child table Programming Software Development by gr8fasushi …'ve tried using datasets and data adapters and created a datarelation within the dataset, but it is still not doing what… DATAGRID (merged) to EXCEL Programming Software Development by pgollnic …) table2Column = ds1.Tables("Detail").Columns(z) relation = *New DataRelation("Click for Detail", table1Column, table2Column , *False) ds1.Relations… Decompile .exe into C# Visual Studio 2008 Programming Software Development by D.Twomey … not sure what that is [code] // Fields private  ; private  ; private DataRelation ; private SchemaSerializationMode ; // Methods public  (); public  (); [DebuggerNonUserCode] private bool (); public DataRelationCollection… Cannot update parent and child tables at the same time Programming Software Development by RandomIntellect …) 'Create database relationships for the dataset DS.Relations.Add(New DataRelation("PersonalStaff", tblPersonal.Columns("PersonalID"), tblStaff.Columns… Relational Data Useing DataSets Programming Software Development by sundog1 … the relationship between the two tables oDS.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("ParentChild", oDS.Tables["Customers"].Columns["… Re: dataset query connection string?? Programming Software Development by G_Waddell …CustOrders 'Do whatever Next Next OR Use a dataRelation object to Join the tables in the dataset …Orders").Columns("CustID") ' Create DataRelation. Dim relCustOrder As DataRelation relCustOrder = New DataRelation( _ "CustomersOrders", parentColumn, childColumn)… Re: Manipulating A Database Programming Software Development by Paladine … objects which represent components of those tables, such as; [b]DataRelation[/b] (i.e. table relationships), [b]DataTable[/b] (i.e….SqlClient; [color=#0000ff]namespace [/color]SQLRelation { [color=#0000ff]class [/color]DataRelation { [STAThread] [color=#0000ff]static void [/color]Main([color=#0000ff]string… Re: using binding context with 2 tables Programming Software Development by kvprajapati ….Tables.Add(dt); ds.Tables.Add(dt1); //Relation object DataRelation rel = new DataRelation("relation1", dt.Columns[0], dt1.Columns[0… Re: VB.Net display Multiple Tables from XML in DataGridView Programming Software Development by MaxDes …ReadXml(xmlFile) 'creating data relations Dim relation As DataRelation Dim table1Column As DataColumn Dim table2Column As DataColumn '….Tables(1).Columns(1) 'relating tables relation = New DataRelation("relation", table1Column, table2Column) 'assign relation to dataset… Re: Get relation between 2 databases. Programming Software Development by waleed.makarem Dear Ranx , Can you please give me a small code for it . I already searched the net and found datarelation , but how to use . I made many trials but I failed . Also , Does datarelation work on different tables from different datasets or it must be used for tables in one dataset . I appreciate if you supply me with a code . Thanks,