‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … attitudes, beliefs, and behavior. Governments, interest groups, corporations, and criminals deploy such systems to sway elections, sell products, control public opinion… Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Re: Deploy website on IIS Programming Web Development by sufyan2011 Deploy on IIS 6: [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/DeployingatIIS.aspx[/url] Deploy on IIS 7: [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/IIS7ASPNet.aspx[/url] To publish site, go to Soultion Explorer, right click and select publish site and follow the self described wizard. Deploy Programming Software Development by alex-i Hello How can I deploy My project with Linq to SQL base to use at other computer thanks Deploy Application Programming Software Development by sonia sardana hey there are different methods to deploy application for VB.Net, ASP.net,…methods write?? Is there any more method to deploy VB.net app. [B][COLOR="Red"….Net Deployment Methods--[/COLOR][/B] You can deploy an ASP.NET Web application using any one…methods write?? Is there any more method to deploy ASP.net app. plz frd me the … Deploy website on IIS Programming Web Development by strRusty_gal How to deploy asp.net to a webserver? Does anyone know the steps to deploy / publish my asp.net to a IIS? Thanks Re: Deploy printers via group policy in Windows 2012 Server Essentials Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by JorgeM …, right-click the applicable printer, and then click Deploy with Group Policy. In the Deploy with Group Policy dialog box, click Browse… new GPO for storing the printer connections. Specify whether to deploy the printer connections to **users**, or to **computers**: Click Add… deploy web service Programming Software Development by anisha.silva Hi i am new to the web service technology. how do i deploy a web service in AWS in a micro account. i need to deploy a application to access a book store online. appreciate if someone could point me to some tutorials. Appreciate a reply. thanks deploy .net application Programming Software Development by preetha9 How to deploy a windows application (in VS 2010) with database. I know … as client and another machine as server. I have to deploy the setup on one machine which will work as client… Re: deploy web service Programming Software Development by anisha.silva I am trying to create a web application for a online book store and deploy it. I am using java language. Will you be able top point me to some tutorials tips on doing this. Appreicate a lot thanks Re: deploy web service Programming Software Development by anisha.silva hi can some one point me to some resourses, that I can create a web service and deploy in a remote pC and access it from another PC application cleint , I am using java lanaguage thanks appreciate a lot Deploy a Web Server over a shared Internet Connection Community Center by dhruvchandna … on the main machine). Is it possible for me to deploy a web server on my computer such that any http… Deploy Anti-Virus Over Network Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by bondi007 … Controller (Server 03 Enteprise) and some workstations, I want to deploy an anti-virus such as AVG Free or Avast Free… Re: Deploy Anti-Virus Over Network Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by DimaYasny … their own network deployment options 3rd: it is possible to deploy software using GPO, if the installer is in .msi format… Re: Deploy Anti-Virus Over Network Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by DimaYasny very easy: [url]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/816102[/url] [url]http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Group-Policy-Deploy-Applications.html[/url] deploy unsigned windows forms control (activex) for intranet use Programming Web Development by scranton … to ask this, but i need help understanding how to deploy an unsigned windows forms control to be used in a… Deploy crystal report Programming Software Development by fafi_ali hi everybody, do you know how to deploy crystal report? actually i took the exe only to the … Deploy .NET 3.5 Apps With No Framework Update Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by EddieC … update to Postbuild 2008 for .NET, which enables developers to deploy .NET applications to systems that do not have the .NET… Re: Deploy .NET 3.5 Apps With No Framework Update Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by EddieC Postbuild is a deployment tool, NOT a development tool. It allows you to take YOUR EXISTING .NET APPS and deploy them where no .NET framework exists. Does that help? Re: Deploy crystal report Programming Software Development by fafi_ali Hi April_123456, thanks alot but I did deploy the crystal report. Thank god. If you need any help ,You are welcome anytime. Thanks deploy.akamaitechnologies.com - I need help erasing from my computer! Hardware and Software Information Security by quintabelina Just moved and the cable/internet guy told me I have a nasty trojan called "deploy.akamaitechnologies"..... said he'd seen them before and they were very hard to get rid of, I've looked online and found many posts from people with this problem yet no concrete solutions, I need help taking if off my computer, please! Re: deploy.akamaitechnologies.com - I need help erasing from my computer! Hardware and Software Information Security by PhilliePhan … guy told me I have a nasty trojan called "deploy.akamaitechnologies"..... said he'd seen them before and they… Deploy an application with a database Programming Software Development by Bijaya123 How i can deploy an application with database. Actually i want to create an application that have an database and also i can also install that in the client machine. Please please help me. Thank you. Re: Deploy an application with a database Programming Software Development by kvprajapati [QUOTE]How i can deploy an application with database.[/QUOTE] Well! what database (oracle, mysql , etc) you want to use in project? Deploy an application in red5 webapps directory Programming Web Development by ChrisJ To deploy an application in red5 webapps directory, is that something that can be explained in a forum posting? Or would I need to hire a consultant for that? Thanks Deploy an application in red5 webapps directory Programming Web Development by ChrisJ To deploy an application in red5 webapps directory, is that something that can be explained in a forum posting? Or would I need to hire a consultant for that? Thanks deploy c# winform app with sql database Programming Software Development by lily_itech … on my first visual studio and c# app ..... I wanna deploy my winform app (which contains sql database) and sql server… Re: deploy c# winform app with sql database Programming Software Development by kvprajapati Please read this [URL="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3846081/deploy-sql-server-database-with-a-winforms-app"]thread.[/URL] deploy web application in tomcat Programming Web Development by raviaaaa Hi i am new to tomcat can any one of you explain how to deploy application in tomcat using server.xml with description