Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …)) ``` Finally, once fine-tuning is completed, you will receive an email with the ID of your fine-tuned model, which you… the ID of your fine-tuned model using the following script. ``` ft_model_id = ``` ## Text Classification… What features can I add to my email script? Programming Web Development by swissknife007 …quot;); if(filter_var($_GET['UserName'],FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)==false) { show_error("Invalid email address"); } $mail->Username=$_GET['UserName']; $mail-&…;)) // { // show_error($prob); // } // return $d; // } ?> This is an email script I made using PHPMailer.Can soneone please suggest what features… Re: What features can I add to my email script? Programming Web Development by swissknife007 … way.. ROFL![/QUOTE] @rotten: Actually priteas helped me out with email script from the very beginning..... I hadn't thanked him earlier… would like to know whether how I can send the email to multiple recipients.... Also I am just a green horn… PHP Email Script- Add unsubscribe link and Tracking Programming Web Development by bbizzl Hello, I have a PHP email script that works I just can't figure out adding the…); $senderMessage = strip_tags($senderMessage); $senderMessage = stripslashes($senderMessage); // End Filtering // Begin Email Message Body $message = 'THE MESSAGE '; $message .= "</body>… Php email script issue Programming Web Development by mikelopez77 I have a email script that sends out information from the mysql database with the … only sends out one name and ID, but in the email it should send all 20 names and IDs. My question… PHP email script through ASP vsscript page? Programming Web Development by terrirenner … new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield2", "email"); //--> </script> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>…:"../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"}); //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq =… Error message when running ASP email script Programming Web Development by jigar_eng When I run the following ASP email script I get error. I am sending the script and error messege both. Please help…possible as I am a fresher at ASP scripting. The script:- <html> <head> <meta…they keep the "From" property ' as [email][/email] and I get response of ' undeliverable emails. ' … PHP Email Script using z-index and array Programming Web Development by koneill …one question and one issue with my below php email script - the script currently has the two images side by side when….navigation { width:430px; height:211px; } --> </style> <script language="JavaScript"> function myOnload() { image = document.getElementById… PHP email script Programming Web Development by Midnite002 …I have this PHP email script working and what … to do so ... Currently the script loads a new page that displays … have the form clear and the script pop up a TY message on …autosubject = stripslashes($autosubject); $automessage = stripslashes($automessage); mail($Email,"$autosubject","$automessage","From: $recipientname… PHP email script incomplete for windows and does not send Programming Web Development by thefuzz …i purchased a web template in flash with a php email script. I have tried searching the web for a solution but…to me. My problem i was given a very short script in php which functions from within the flash template, i… below, hope you can help. [code] <? $to = ""; $msg = "$name\n\n"; $msg… send email script Programming Web Development by freelancelote …, I'm trying to set a simple send an email script as I found it on the internet. Here is…;Test mail"; $message = "Hello! This is a simple email message."; $from = ""; $headers …;; } ?> </body> </html>[/CODE] Email addresses are substituted by real addresses. Now, this is not… Email headers, bounce back address Programming Web Development by =OTS=G-Man … Got a question for you all. I have a mass email script that sends emails out in a round robin using 15…in the Reply-To: header to goto our order email and the email headers for the from address are also set to…like mail1/mail2/ and have the failed email attempts goto and the replys to goto … Email script not working Programming Web Development by swissknife007 [CODE] <?php //email(to,subject,message,headers,parameters) $to="…;; ?>[/CODE] This is a very simple php script to send an email. However ,it is not working for me and I… Re: Email script not working Programming Web Development by pritaeas You cannot send email with XAMPP using mail(), unless you have a mail server installed. Please search this forum for solutions using PHPMailer. Email script Programming Web Development by phpDave Hello, I wrote a script to send out an email and it works except for the subject line. Not sure … Re: Email script Programming Web Development by phpDave Thanks ardav. OK I should of noticed that but the email actually still worked it was just the subject line that did not work at all (No subject) and the From line reads MySite X_Mailer:PHP/5.2.1. $message and $to to worked fine. Re: What features can I add to my email script? Programming Web Development by Stefano Mtangoo … would like to know whether how I can send the email to multiple recipients.... Also I am just a green horn… Re: Php email script issue Programming Web Development by pritaeas `exit` terminates the script, so the while loop just stops after the first mail. Re: Php email script issue Programming Web Development by mikelopez77 Thanks for the reply what I am trying to do is this in the email. Database has 20 name or whatever. In the email should look like this with the following info: 1. ** 2. ** 3. ** and so on. It just shows 1.** and thats it. when I take out exit(); it sends me mass emails. Re: Php email script issue Programming Web Development by mikelopez77 In my email it looks like this, but how can I get it … Re: PHP email script through ASP vsscript page? Programming Web Development by terrirenner Thank you- No wonder I'm stumped. Do you have or know where I can get example code of an ASP email notification using CDOSYS? Re: PHP email script through ASP vsscript page? Programming Web Development by ArtistScope Place it wherever (when) you want it send the email. Buy be sure to load the variables somewhere before it. Email script in Python 3.0 help needed Programming Software Development by dmpop …please bear with me. I'm using the following script with Python 2.6 to send emails with attachments… smtplib from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email import Encoders …grateful if someone could help me to fix the script, so it works with Python 3.0. Thank … Re: Email script in Python 3.0 help needed Programming Software Development by vegaseat … are ... [code]import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.text import MIMEText from… email import encoders as Encoders import os… Re: Email script in Python 3.0 help needed Programming Software Development by dmpop … is the traceback (I replaced sys.argv[1] in the script with the README.TXT for testing purposes) : [CODE]Traceback (most…\0%s" % (user, password)) File "C:\Python30\lib\email\", line 96, in body_encode enc = b2a_base64(s… Re: Email script in Python 3.0 help needed Programming Software Development by dmpop Thanks, vegaseat, I fixed the import lines, but the script still doesn't work. Any suggestions? Thank you! Kind regards, Dmitri Re: Email script in Python 3.0 help needed Programming Software Development by jlm699 [QUOTE=dmpop;841319]the script still doesn't work[/QUOTE] What doesn't work? If you are getting error messages please paste the traceback here. Email Script With Multiple Emails In One $Row Programming Web Development by bbizzl … so the user can email their contacts? As of right now the script emails everybody but just …not in the correct email format. Thank You! [CODE…quot;"; $subject = "Prospect For Property"; // Begin Email Message Body $message = '<html><body>'; '; $… Re: Email Script With Multiple Emails In One $Row Programming Web Development by pritaeas [QUOTE=bbizzl;1687203]As of right now the script emails everybody but just not in the correct email format.[/QUOTE] Please explain, what format is not correct ? Re: Email Script With Multiple Emails In One $Row Programming Web Development by bbizzl …field. Let me know if you see anything in the script. [/QUOTE] [CODE]<?php $formMessage = "… vars are present or else we do not send email yet if (!$senderName || !$senderEmail ) { $formMessage…else { // Here is the section in which the email actually gets sent // Run any filtering here $senderName…