Re: formview Programming Web Development by rje7 …is the server control which is contained in the formview control. this is from the aspx file [code=…] <div> <asp:FormView ID = "fv1" runat="server" …" ForeColor="White" /> </asp:FormView> <asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="SiteMapDataSource1" runat… formview Programming Web Development by bharatshivram how can i refer to the individual elements of a formview outside the control? i want to access the value of qustidlabel outside the formview control FormView being Stingy Programming Web Development by tryongliph … project whereby I have a dropdown control and a formview control. The formview is linked to a datasource and the dropdown is… utilize a stored procedure to update the row that the formview is displaying. Now the problem here is 1- is it…? 2-How can i get the particular fields that the formview is currently displaying so i can pass them on to… Re: FormView being Stingy Programming Web Development by tryongliph …shows you how to customize the formview for updating. here's the link: /FormView.aspx[URL="http://www.learn…"]http://www.learn…[/URL] Now to … Formview modalpopupextender Programming Web Development by vipmo …gt; </InsertItemTemplate> </asp:FormView> </asp:Panel> <…> </editItemTemplate> </asp:FormView> </asp:panel> <… Formview update problem Programming Web Development by yorock ….. i am trying to update fields of 2 tables using formview.. table1:Personal_details: columns:P_id --->primary key Emp_id-->foreign… tables are connected by column Emp_id My update command of formview control is: [code]UpdateCommand="Update [Personal_details] Set [First_name]=@First_name… formview.changemode not working! Programming Web Development by Ana D. Hi, In my page I have a formView with <ItemTemplate>, <EditItemTemplate> and <…quot; that, when clicked by the user, should show the FormView in Edit Mode. I have the following: [code=ASP.NET…that the EditLinkButton_Click is called and executed normally. However, the FormView mode is not changed. Any ideas why? Thanks, Ana Re: FormView in with c# sam[le project Programming Web Development by Ramesh S The ASP.NET FormView control allows you to edit, delete, and insert records… following links. [url][/url] [url]…doc/ctrlref/data/formview.aspx[/url] [url]… Formview - UpdateParameter Programming Web Development by bg1976 … to update any combination of 80+ fields. I need a formView so that I have control over the position of the… the xml, parses it, and udpates the fields accordingly. The formView uses a SQLDataSource with only one update parameter called 'UpdateXml… FormView in with c# sam[le project Programming Web Development by santhoshvarma.a hi, i wanted to work on FormView control in with C#.So plz give me sample project with code details.Some basic infromation about FormView. Thankx & regards A.Santhosh Kumar FormView - Assinged values on load not displaying Programming Software Development by Jagfarrell … find a solution to this one. I've got a FormView which is default mode set to Insert. When the page…'m checking to see if the session variable which the formview datasource is set to has a value. If it doesn… Re: FormView - Assinged values on load not displaying Programming Software Development by Jagfarrell Just me again - 2hrs later I got a solution. Rather than assigning the values to the controls in the page load I needed to do it in the PRERENDER for the FORMVIEW (careful you don't select the PageEvents) All the code working perfectly now! J Re: Formview - Prevent multiple button (click)insert in insert template Programming Web Development by kvprajapati Handle the *Inserted* event and change mode of FormView by calling *FormView.ChangeMode()* method. FormView and GridView does not appear when i debug Programming Web Development by fayenot what could be the possible reason why the gridview and formview doesnt appear when i debug my program.. i connected it to a datasource and have them databound, also already set its visibility property to true...please help.. formview making vertical Programming Web Development by botaxsmaniz ineed help how to making formview vertical in best regards, martin formView InsertItemTemplate Programming Web Development by sureshrajanmca runtime to add the panel in to the formview Itemtemplate.How? Formview custom paging Programming Web Development by Antpit Hi I have a Formview control on an aspx page. I want to display labels … Formview - Prevent multiple button (click)insert in insert template Programming Web Development by geossl Dear All, In a webform 3.5 page, there is a FormView with Insert, Edit template. In the Insert template, there is an insert button. How can I **prevent multiple insert button click** (prevent multiple records) ? By disabling the insert button after the first click? How to achieve this? Re: Problem with FormView.FindControl Programming Web Development by Ramesh S …be rendered only after binding a data source to the FormView control. In the BindFormView() method, you didn't …bind any data source to the FormView control. Therefore myFormView.FindControl("myLabel") returns always …nothing. Try after data binding to the FormView. It will return the Label control. Re: Access Formview Details Programming Software Development by arunkumars Formview..? is that a grid view..? or are there textboxes on your form, that u have to insert them into the database..? Re: formview Programming Web Development by bharatshivram thanx a lot rje7 Populate dropdownlist in formview Programming Web Development by serkan sendur …creating one object datasource and bind it to my formview, then i set dropdownlist datasource property with another … declare a datasource property for the dropdownlist in formview. Then i deleted datasource property and used datasourceID… LinkButton> </ItemTemplate> </asp: FormView> In the code behind i used itemdatabound event … Gridview and formview, Gridview not updating immdly. Programming Web Development by mahir78 …) button in gridview the record will be displayed in formview. In formview i do all the operations like insert,edit,delete....Everything… refresh problem. that is when i insert a record from formview the GRIDVIEW NOT UPDATING ROW FOR THE FIRSTTIME WHEN I… MFC and FormView Programming Software Development by e_pech … (SDI) and I have 3 views in the window (TreeView, FormView and OpenGL). Everything is working ok. Now I want to… a new item on the TreeView to display on the FormView the details of the selected item, however the new items… to a different category and they will need a differente formview. My question is, How can I change the… Hide Table rows in FormView InsertTemplate Programming Web Development by MercuryX … looking to hide rows in a table in a formview InsertItemTemplate depending on a bit value in a MS SQL… </asp:DropDownList> </InsertItemTemplate> </asp:FormView>[/ICODE] and the following Sqldata sourse for it [ICODE… Multiform view inside a formview inside a repeater control Programming Software Development by hartmacj …ActiveViewIndex property of the Multiviews I have within the FormView, that's within the Repeater control. Does … there is a better way to accomplish a formview that repeats for every record I pull in…;asp:Repeater> <ItemTemplate> <asp:FormView> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Multiview ID=&… Problem in accesing data from FormView Programming Web Development by madhu_raju76 …for me regarding the data access..... Iam creating one FormView and iam connecting it to the SQL-server to … a field without entering any value By using the FormView iam entering the value dynamically and iam updating that …same database...... or when iam updating the value from FormView to database at run-time is there any posibility … Problem with FormView.FindControl Programming Web Development by Ana D. …the following code: [CODE=ASP.NET]<asp:FormView ID="myFormView" runat="server" …</table> </ItemTemplate> </asp:FormView>[/CODE] And in the code behind (VB.NET):… myLabel is always nothing. As you see, my formview has only an ItemTemplate. I tried setting hte DefaultMode… Re: Gridview and formview, Gridview not updating immdly. Programming Web Development by hollystyles I have experienced this also. I got around it by doing a databind again in the item command handler for the formview. Re: calculations in formview with C# Programming Software Development by GeneM Both work well on regular web pages or on html type pages but in Visual Studio 2005 FormView using the FormView.FindControl throws an error of invalid arguement with double.Parse. FormView is databound and I believe you must use the FindControl to get or set the data in the TextBox. I am not so sure anymore. My brain has gone to mush.