5 Topics

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A lot of people, including me, want one but will a true Linux Pad computer ever exist? I've seen some intriguing prototypes over the years and none more interesting than the [URL="http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=RDSMARTBOOK"]Freescale Smartbook[/URL] but will any of them ever go into mass production? Freescale has the best chance of any …

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Here's some news that's sure to please the greens, while not costing much of it. A Linux-based desktop computer released today is reported to consume just two watts of power, and can save about US$35 a year in energy costs, according to company claims. The [URL=http://www.cherrypal.com/]CherryPal C100[/URL], which its namesake …

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As portable computing devices advance in power and complexity, development-tool makers must keep up or die. Claiming strides this week are simulation-tools maker Virtutech and chip-maker Freescale Semiconductor, which are showing a version of Virtutech’s Simics virtualized software development environment with hybrid simulation capability. The initial release supports Freescale’s eight-core …

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Apple has upgraded the adorable Mac Mini. Reports on the internet reveal that the advertised 1.42 GHz computer was actually shipped at 1.5 GHz, and sported some other features. The new Mac Mini reportably has the following new features: * New 8x Dual-layer Super Drive, model UJ-845. This media device …

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Maybe those white shiny little boxes aren’t so great after all. That’s the message I got after Apple Computer pulled its free 30 day trial offer of its Mac Mini personal computer. On Tuesday, the computer maker posted an offer that allowed its customers to try out a Mac Mini …

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The End.