7 Topics

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Member Avatar for ArashVenus

I've tried lots of times to get this to work but , no luck . the problem is this program shows white screen , and It doesn't display the polygon . Here's the code , take a look : /*Headers*/ #include <GL/glut.h> /*End of headers*/ /* Check Compiler*/ #ifdef __FLAT__ …

Member Avatar for ArashVenus
Member Avatar for delta_frost

I have had a hard time setting up OpenGL to work with Visual Studio 2010,but no luck so far.I included `glut.h`,`gl.h`.I have linked the requisite `.lib` files in the Project Properties,but still I get this error `error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _glutMainLoop referenced in function _main` ind six more like …

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Member Avatar for Vaspar

OpenGL GLUT **My question is at the end of this topic** 1) a) Use your logo you drew within a world coordinate space that has 0,0 at the center. You may choose any width and height for your world coordinate space, glut window and viewport. Be sure that you separate …

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Member Avatar for BoBok2002

I need help. I tried to load an image using SOIL. I was having problems with it so I found another code I am using. However, it looks like I am not loading it properly. It's simple but I think I'm confusing myself. I still can't wrap my head around …

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Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia

I am working on an assignment for school and i seem to be having some issues. I am using OpenGl with free glut, and attempting to animate a pendulum. I can draw out the pendulum, but cannot determine how to make it swing. I have to make it swing from …

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Member Avatar for Kontext

I am currently writing a program that uses OpenGL and so it uses the include file: #include <GL/glut.h> Now when I try to compile and run the program I get this message in the error folder: "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'glut': No such file or directory" Lastly, …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for daniel955

Hi, C# in VS2008 using Tao.Freeglut and Tao.OpenGl I am required to create a 3d Tetris game. I have a menu named BuildMenu [CODE=C#] private static void BuildMenu(){ submenu1 = Glut.glutCreateMenu(selectMessage); Glut.glutAddMenuEntry("New Game(N)", 1); Glut.glutAddMenuEntry("Reset(R)", 2); Glut.glutAddMenuEntry("Quit(Q)", 3); Glut.glutAttachMenu(Glut.GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON); } [/CODE] using these code I can make a menu pop …

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The End.